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Texas Rising: The Epic True Story of the Lone Star Republic and the Rise of the Texas Rangers, 1836-1846

Tekijä: Stephen L. Moore

Muut tekijät: Katso muut tekijät -osio.

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682392,678 (3.25)2
History. Military. Nonfiction. HTML:

The official nonfiction companion to HISTORY's dramatic series Texas Rising (created by the same team that made the ratings record-breaker Hatfields & McCoys): a thrilling new narrative history of the Texas Revolution and the rise of the legendary Texas Rangers who patrolled the violent western frontier

March 1836: The Republic of Texas, just weeks old, is already near collapse. William Barret Travis and his brave defenders of the Alamo in San Antonio have been slaughtered. Hundreds more Texan soldiers have surrendered at Goliad, only to be marched outside the fortress and executed by order of the ruthless Mexican general Santa Anna, a dictator denying Texans their freedom and liberty.

General Sam Houston??a hard-drinking, hot-tempered opportunist??remains in command of a small band of volunteer colonists, mercenaries, and the newly organized Texas Rangers. They are the last hope for Texas to challenge the relentless advance of Santa Anna's much larger Mexican Army??yet many of them curse Houston, enraged by his decision to retreat across Texas before the advancing enemy.

The exhausted, outnumbered rebels will meet their destiny on an empty plain near the Gulf Coast next to the San Jacinto River??and make a stand that determines the fate of the young nation. "Remember the Alamo!" and "Remember Goliad!" will be the battle cries, and the order of the day will echo Travis's at the Alamo: Victory or death.

Acclaimed Texas historian Stephen L. Moore's new narrative history tells the full, thrilling story of the Texas Revolution from its humble beginnings to its dramatic conclusion, and reveals the contributions of the fabled Texas Rangers??both during the revolution and in the frontier Indian wars that… (lisätietoja)


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FROM AMAZON: The official nonfiction companion to the History Channel dramatic series Texas Rising (produced by the same team that made the record-breaking Hatfields and McCoys): a thrilling new narrative history of the Texas Revolution and the rise of the legendary Texas Rangers who patrolled the violent Western frontier.

In 1836, if west of the Mississippi was considered the Wild West, then Texas was hell on earth - a hot bed of conflict. Who would win the war over Texas? Crushed from the outside by Mexican armadas and attacked from within by ferocious Comanche tribes, no one was safe. But this was a time of bravery, a time to die for what you believed in and a time to stand tall against the cruel rule of the Mexican General Santa Anna and his forces. The Texas Rangers, a ragtag crew of men fighting on horseback, were often outnumbered by as many as 50 to one. Yet under renowned General Sam Houston, they achieved victory against nearly impossible odds, earning a legendary place in American history.
  Gmomaj | Nov 22, 2022 |
I purchased this book on the assumption that it dealt primarily with the history and background of the Texas Rangers, and while much of the book involves the Rangers, the largest part of the book deals with the history of the Texas Republic and the War between Mexico and the fledgling Republic.

The writing is far from mesmerizing, as the author takes us from The Alamo, to Goliad and then to San Jacinto before having much to say about The Rangers. I would label the prose “dry”, as facts, names and places are cited in a way that does not flow well for the reader. If you are in any way familiar with the history of the Republic of Texas, this book will largely be a waste of time. If, on the other hand, you are looking for an introduction to the topic, you can likely find better options. ( )
  santhony | Nov 24, 2015 |
näyttää 2/2
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Ochlan, P.J.Kertojamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


History. Military. Nonfiction. HTML:

The official nonfiction companion to HISTORY's dramatic series Texas Rising (created by the same team that made the ratings record-breaker Hatfields & McCoys): a thrilling new narrative history of the Texas Revolution and the rise of the legendary Texas Rangers who patrolled the violent western frontier

March 1836: The Republic of Texas, just weeks old, is already near collapse. William Barret Travis and his brave defenders of the Alamo in San Antonio have been slaughtered. Hundreds more Texan soldiers have surrendered at Goliad, only to be marched outside the fortress and executed by order of the ruthless Mexican general Santa Anna, a dictator denying Texans their freedom and liberty.

General Sam Houston??a hard-drinking, hot-tempered opportunist??remains in command of a small band of volunteer colonists, mercenaries, and the newly organized Texas Rangers. They are the last hope for Texas to challenge the relentless advance of Santa Anna's much larger Mexican Army??yet many of them curse Houston, enraged by his decision to retreat across Texas before the advancing enemy.

The exhausted, outnumbered rebels will meet their destiny on an empty plain near the Gulf Coast next to the San Jacinto River??and make a stand that determines the fate of the young nation. "Remember the Alamo!" and "Remember Goliad!" will be the battle cries, and the order of the day will echo Travis's at the Alamo: Victory or death.

Acclaimed Texas historian Stephen L. Moore's new narrative history tells the full, thrilling story of the Texas Revolution from its humble beginnings to its dramatic conclusion, and reveals the contributions of the fabled Texas Rangers??both during the revolution and in the frontier Indian wars that

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