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Bird and Bear

Tekijä: Ann James

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
2221,025,315 (3.5)-
Bear and Bird are two friends who love to spend time together. In their first adventure, they discover their reflections.

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näyttää 2/2
A oxymoron to say this is a book simplistically rendered of a relationship between a bear and a bird. Yet, while the illustrations may be simple, if the reader carefully sees the images, it can be noted that there are many nuances. The stripped shirt, white shorts, and small red hat depict a sunny day. The bird carefully perched on Bear's shoulder displays the confidence the bird has in Bear's ability to carry him safely.

It is bear's birthday and bird is very excited, waking him up and giving an appropriate gift of two delicious nuts inside a pretty box. This is a joyous story of friendship, ingenuity and the creativity of young minds.

When bear looks in the mirror, he does not see himself, but another person, a companion. And, as the arrive at the pier and look at the water, he shows bird his image so that bird also believes it is another creature, not the actual one. When their images disappear in the water, true to form of a child who refuses to accept a different paridim, and both agree it is simply a "friend who is different."

The jacket notes that the author/illustrator is from Australia and received a award for distinguished service to Australian Children's literature.

Recommended for a younger child, and adults with a clear sense of imagination! ( )
  Whisper1 | Feb 8, 2023 |
I usually like my picture book art a little stronger and more definite than you get in the lighter colors and lines of watercolor, but when I saw this my first thought was "Ernest and Celestine!" and it does have the feel of that sweet, classic series.

The endpapers echo Bear's striped shirt and give the book a summery, beach feeling before it even begins. The story opens with Bird waking Bear up to celebrate his birthday with a special present. They share breakfast and then decide to go visit Bear's other friend, who looks just like him. They check the weather, pack a picnic, and are on their way. When they arrive at the pier, they are delighted to discover that not only is Bear's friend there, but also a friend for Bird, who looks just like her too! When it turns out that their "friends" aren't exactly what they thought, there is some initial disappointment, but they both recover and eventually make their way home, discussing the nature of friendship and making plans for their next outing.

The art is arranged in small vignettes, a single page or even smaller two, three pictures on a page. Each shows Bear and Bird together with a few simple props or sketches of the surrounding scene. Although we only catch glimpses of the surrounding landscape; a park, the beach, a flight of steps, those few simple lines and washes of color capture the simple joy of a sunny day outdoors with a friend. I especially love the skillful way James' illustrates the water, with multiple colors swirling through its ripples.

Verdict: I wouldn't make this a storytime pick; the illustrations need to be viewed closely to catch all the delicate nuances and it's a slow, sweet story that isn't likely to hold the attention of a big, restless group. However, it would make the perfect, treasured one-on-one reading experience for a family or for a very small storytime with good listeners. It would also be a great way to introduce the concept of reflections for a science program. A lovely story, strongly evocative of the enjoyment of simple things.

ISBN: 9781499800371; Published 2015 by Little Bee Books; Review copy provided by the publisher; Donated to the library
  JeanLittleLibrary | Apr 12, 2015 |
näyttää 2/2
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Bear and Bird are two friends who love to spend time together. In their first adventure, they discover their reflections.

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3.5 1

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