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Wrongful Death (A Detective Jackson Mystery)

Tekijä: L. J. Sellers

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1521,391,596 (4)-
On a chilly Oregon morning, a policeman is found slain near the homeless camp where he'd been passing out blankets the night before. When Detective Jackson is called to the scene, witnesses point to a pair of mentally ill street twins as the likely perpetrators.As the case progresses and arrests are made, the homeless community revolts against the police, and the chaos pulls detectives away from their investigations. Tension mounts, and the evidence begins to link a series of sexual assaults to the death of the murdered officer. The task force is quickly faced with a dangerous decision: Should they risk the life of another young victim to catch the killer?… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
Couldn't get into it
  ritaer | Jul 23, 2019 |
Book Description
On a chilly Oregon morning, a policeman is found slain near the homeless camp where he’d been passing out blankets the night before. When Detective Jackson is called to the scene, witnesses point to a pair of mentally ill street twins as the likely perpetrators. As the case progresses and arrests are made, the homeless community revolts against the police, and the chaos pulls detectives away from their investigations. Tension mounts, and the evidence begins to link a series of sexual assaults to the death of the murdered officer. The task force is quickly faced with a dangerous decision: Should they risk the life of another young victim to catch the killer?

My View
Another entertaining read within this series. As with the other books in the series there is a clever plot (two in this case) that moves along with pace. I thought I had worked out who was behind the blackmail plot but fell in the author's trap and was surprised by the twists at the end of the book. I particularly like the way you feel part of the investigation (and thinking) within the case, which isn't always the case unfortunately with books in this genre. To top this off there are a good group of main characters and Wade's personal life moved forward well in this book. These are quick and easy reads, and if you haven't tried this series I would encourage you to. ( )
  Andrew-theQM | Jun 29, 2016 |
näyttää 2/2
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


On a chilly Oregon morning, a policeman is found slain near the homeless camp where he'd been passing out blankets the night before. When Detective Jackson is called to the scene, witnesses point to a pair of mentally ill street twins as the likely perpetrators.As the case progresses and arrests are made, the homeless community revolts against the police, and the chaos pulls detectives away from their investigations. Tension mounts, and the evidence begins to link a series of sexual assaults to the death of the murdered officer. The task force is quickly faced with a dangerous decision: Should they risk the life of another young victim to catch the killer?

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L. J. Sellers keskusteli verkossa LibraryThingin jäsenten kanssa Oct 25, 2010 - Nov 1, 2010. Lue keskustelu.

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