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The Gatekeeper's Forbidden Secret

Tekijä: Penelope A. Brown

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
822,203,635 (4.33)-
"Colin and his sister Addy stumble upon the adventure of a lifetime. Due to some very questionable behavior, and the need to preserve their father's business interests, they find themselves forced to work at the castle of the Gatekeeper. They befriend the Gatekeeper's nephew and trust him with an unbelievable story. The nephew is determined to help his new friends, despite his own kept secrets."… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
Reviewed by Carla Trueheart for Readers' Favorite

The Gatekeeper’s Forbidden Secret begins when Colin and his sister Addy attempt to find their lost dog Buddy. In the process, adventure ensues, and the siblings not only find themselves in some trouble with their parents, they also meet some interesting characters—a witch, a fairy, a troll-dog, and even some goblins. All of this leads to a discovery of a different universe and a quest for Colin and his helpers. Author Penelope A. Brown has an unbelievable imagination, presents a beautiful book cover, and offers a unique concept. It was wonderful to read about the castle, Colin, Addy, their friend Peter, and their adventures with the many fantasy characters. There are some twists and turns along the way as well, ending with a tale that is action-packed and well-paced.

The plot in The Gatekeeper’s Forbidden Secret and the overall concept was very strong. I enjoyed the writer’s imagination in reference to the plot, although I did feel the writing fell just a bit short in some areas. I would have loved a touch stronger connection to Colin and Addy, a bit less of the chapters highlighting the adult character Alan, and more imaginative prose in some areas. However, I believe the book will appeal to the intended audience and should please readers of this genre. In addition, I enjoyed the sketched pictures here and there and felt that added a little something extra to the book and the overall visualization of the fantasy characters. Overall, I liked the book and had fun with the characters and the different universe presented. I recommend the book to a younger audience and to those who enjoy fantasy reads. ( )
  witchescastle | Nov 17, 2022 |
This review was written for LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
Nice book for young people or adults with an inner child like myself. Cute, quirky and enjoyable! ( )
  CarrieGarrisonVos | Aug 20, 2016 |
näyttää 2/2
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"Colin and his sister Addy stumble upon the adventure of a lifetime. Due to some very questionable behavior, and the need to preserve their father's business interests, they find themselves forced to work at the castle of the Gatekeeper. They befriend the Gatekeeper's nephew and trust him with an unbelievable story. The nephew is determined to help his new friends, despite his own kept secrets."

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