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Crossing the Line

Tekijä: Sherri Hayes

Sarjat: Daniels Brothers (3)

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324,148,626 (4)-
Detective Paul Daniels has spent four and a half years mourning the loss of his wife. He's been doing his best to raise their daughter, Chloe, with the help of his in-law's. When they inform him right before Thanksgiving that they're going to be moving over two hours away, Paul finds himself without anyone to watch Chloe while he's at work. Little did he know that meeting his baby brother's girlfriend and her sister, Megan, would change everything.Megan Carson took a few wrong turns in her life, but she was doing her best to get back on track. When Paul mentioned his need for someone to watch his daughter, she quickly volunteered to be his live-in nanny. It didn't take long for Chloe to work her way into Megan's heart, and not much longer for her to realize that she was falling in love with Chloe's dad.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatOurWolvesDen, CindySnS, catya77

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näyttää 2/2
The Daniels Brothers series continues with Paul’s story. Of all the brother’s Paul captured my attention the most in the first book not only because he was a policeman but also because he was a widower raising a small daughter on his own all while trying to hide his inner grief over the loss of his wife from his family.

I should first start of saying I think this series needs to be read in order as many of the characters and their histories were started in the previous books. This book starts out at the wedding reception of Chris and Elizabeth who were the first couple in the series. Megan Carson who is the sister of the heroine in the second book is now the live in nanny for Paul’s young daughter Chloe, who steals the show whenever she is in a scene. Megan and her sister didn’t have a great childhood and her sister ended up taking over the maternal role which Megan appreciates but also at times feels smothered by. After graduating from college she went a little wild and was trying to find Mr Right and always ended up with Mr Wrong.

The majority of the book consists of two plot lines. The first is there is a serial killer on the loose and Paul and his partner are trying to figure out who he is before he kills his next victim. The second of course is the romance between Paul and Megan. A little surprising to me was I liked the suspense part a little more than the romance. Megan came on a little too strong in her pursuit of Paul. Don’t get me wrong I wanted to see them together since Red Zone and Paul’s struggles were what I expected them to be but I wished Megan wouldn’t have been written as the dominate force.

There is one last Daniels brother left. Trent has had a strong presence in all the books and I am very curious as to who the woman will be that brings him to heal.
( )
  CindySnS | Oct 26, 2016 |
When Megan moves in to be Chloe's nanny, Paul never thought his life would be effected. And who would suspect his homicide job to have an effect on their lives?

An upbeat, pleasantly descriptive narrative leads readers and characters through daily and overarching turmoils allowing glimpses into multiple viewpoints with fairly seamless shifts.

Characters are authentic, hopeful, and caring.

Overall, a cheery read. ( )
  catya77 | Sep 1, 2014 |
näyttää 2/2
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Detective Paul Daniels has spent four and a half years mourning the loss of his wife. He's been doing his best to raise their daughter, Chloe, with the help of his in-law's. When they inform him right before Thanksgiving that they're going to be moving over two hours away, Paul finds himself without anyone to watch Chloe while he's at work. Little did he know that meeting his baby brother's girlfriend and her sister, Megan, would change everything.Megan Carson took a few wrong turns in her life, but she was doing her best to get back on track. When Paul mentioned his need for someone to watch his daughter, she quickly volunteered to be his live-in nanny. It didn't take long for Chloe to work her way into Megan's heart, and not much longer for her to realize that she was falling in love with Chloe's dad.

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