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Chase the Sun

Tekijä: R.J. Scott, Meredith Russell (Tekijä)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1411,453,257 (3.75)2
Six years ago, Adam broke Scott's heart, but now he's back in Scott's life and Scott is rightly suspicious. Is it a case of second chances? Or will history repeat itself? In Chase the Sun, Scott Antonelli is about to get the shock of his life. Six years ago, Adam Ross broke his heart and it was the trigger that set Scott off travelling around the world. For the last few years he has worked at Sapphire Cay with Dylan. On a simple supply run to Marsh Harbour, he is left reeling, as he comes face to face with his first love. Can he trust Adam this time round? Adam Ross was an idiot. Looking for quick and easy cash, he got himself mixed up in the wrong crowd and paid the price - three years in prison and he lost the one person who had ever meant anything to him - Scott. Adam has done his best, tried to turn his life around and is in the Bahamas looking for a second chance. Finding Scott was the easy part. Getting him to trust him again, could be harder than he ever imagined.… (lisätietoja)

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Trust is everything in a relationship and when Adam violated Scott's trust everything was shattered. Scott may have had good intentions but they led him to three years in jail which was his own personal hell. Scott took his horticulture degree and made a home lonely as it was on Sapphire Cay. Fate or dumb luck brought the two guys together again while Scott was on a restocking trip to Marsh Harbor and the rest was a very bumpy road to happiness. I liked both Adam and Scott as individuals and as a couple. The story moved along perfectly with the great tension between the two men. Dominiq was the perfect non-judgmental father figure that Adam needed to regain some of his confidence and land a spot on the resort's team. It was good to catch a glimpse of Edward and Jamie and the rest of the Cay's growing number of characters that love brought together. Although this book is the third in the Sapphire Cay series, I believe that it can be read as a stand alone. I recommend this story for anyone looking for a sweet, love story. ( )
  Connorz | Jan 4, 2023 |
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Scott, R.J.Tekijäensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Russell, MeredithTekijäpäätekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu

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Six years ago, Adam broke Scott's heart, but now he's back in Scott's life and Scott is rightly suspicious. Is it a case of second chances? Or will history repeat itself? In Chase the Sun, Scott Antonelli is about to get the shock of his life. Six years ago, Adam Ross broke his heart and it was the trigger that set Scott off travelling around the world. For the last few years he has worked at Sapphire Cay with Dylan. On a simple supply run to Marsh Harbour, he is left reeling, as he comes face to face with his first love. Can he trust Adam this time round? Adam Ross was an idiot. Looking for quick and easy cash, he got himself mixed up in the wrong crowd and paid the price - three years in prison and he lost the one person who had ever meant anything to him - Scott. Adam has done his best, tried to turn his life around and is in the Bahamas looking for a second chance. Finding Scott was the easy part. Getting him to trust him again, could be harder than he ever imagined.

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