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Magic Triumphs

Tekijä: Ilona Andrews

Muut tekijät: Katso muut tekijät -osio.

Sarjat: Kate Daniels (10)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
7355031,121 (4.35)10
"In this epic, can't-miss entry in the thrilling #1 New York Times bestselling urban-fantasy series, mercenary Kate Daniels must risk all to protect everything she holds dear... Kate has come a long way from her origins as a loner taking care of paranormal problems in post-Shift Atlanta. She's made friends and enemies. She's found love and started a family with Curran Lennart, the former Beast Lord. But her magic is too strong for the power players of the world to let her be. Kate and her father, Roland, currently have an uneasy truce, but when he starts testing her defenses again, she knows that sooner or later a confrontation is inevitable. The Witch Oracle has begun seeing visions of blood, fire, and human bones. And when a mysterious box is delivered to Kate's doorstep, a threat of war from the ancient enemy who nearly destroyed her family, she knows her time is up. Kate Daniels sees no other choice but to combine forces with the unlikeliest of allies. She knows betrayal is inevitable. She knows she may not survive the coming battle. But she has to try. For her child. For Atlanta. For the world"--… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 10 mainintaa

Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 49) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
There are some books that are literary works of art. While reading, you mentally stand back and admire the intricacy and elegance of the prose, the world-building and sheer scope of the story. Then there are the books that fill you with the joy of reading. They make you laugh, jump in your chair and exclaim out loud--both curses and cheers. This book falls into the latter category.

I offer prayers of thankfulness to the book gods for the team of Ilona Andrews. The Kate Daniels series has been a great ride and had a very satisfying ending. Also, unlike some other long series, I don't have to gird my loins when I decide it's time to re-read it, I can jump right in and just enjoy.

Renee Raudman, the audiobook narrator throughout the series, captured Kate's inner voice perfectly and helped make it that much more enjoyable. I really, really, REALLY want to see more in this world and hope that even if these characters have ridden off into the sunset with their HEA, we hear more from others. ( )
  jazzbird61 | Feb 29, 2024 |

Ok dramatics aside - ten books. And yes I'm only counting the main series here, but TEN BOOKS and so much has changed.

Kate went from a brash, tough talking loner that was happier punching and kicking then strategizing to a QUEEN. To someone who constantly faced decisions that put her loved ones in danger and learned that perfect solutions aren't just handed to you.

She's bled. She's nearly died. She's killed and maimed and made mistakes. She's had to come to the realization that no matter your power if you don't have people who got your back it's all useless.

It's hard to let go of a character that has meant A LOT to me these last ten years. But here's the good thing, so much can happen and the ending promises that sometimes the unexpected is exactly what you need. ( )
  lexilewords | Dec 28, 2023 |
I should have predicted it

But I didn't and it was grand. A great finish to awesome series. Great cast of characters who kept me entertained until the last page. ( )
  Tiffani_Keaton | Nov 22, 2023 |
The conclusion to the Kate Daniels series. A happy ending.

re-read 11/14/2023 ( )
  catseyegreen | Nov 14, 2023 |
This was it, the last book in the Kate Daniels series... And I have to admit, I really, really dragged out reading it because then it would... you know... end (and yes, I know there is another series about Julie and one about Hugh -which I hope will get its second book-, but it isn't the same!).

We're staying in and around Atlanta, the city that Kate claimed a few books earlier. We move through the city a lot to the Casino, the Guild, Biohazard HQ, and some towns just outside the city. All scenes and environments were really well written, perfect for diving fully into the story and not worrying about all the details.

Character development:
We start the book with an amazing scene! Kate giving birth to sweet, cuddly Conlan :D
We have a nice and peaceful(ish) intermezzo before tension rises again 18 months later, and we meet a new, ancient enemy wanting to conquer the world. Been there, done that, you might think. Well, you'd be correct, and yes, Roland is still very much on the scene... but this is an even bigger threat.
Kate has been taking steps and precautions on how to deal with her father when that inevitable time comes when father and daughter clash, keeping it to herself (as we all knew she would). Only one thing is important to her; one outcome has to be assured above all else: her son and Curran making it out alive.
Curran has been going on hunts lately, with Erra of all people... well... you know what I mean. So something is up, but he's good at deflecting until it gets pretty obvious what's been going on.
I really love the dynamic these two have, it's not all hearts and kisses, but there is tension, both are amazing at keeping things from each other, and it just feels natural, like a real relationship with its ups and downs.
And then we have Conlan; he's so cute! I'm not going to go into much more here, as I would spoil things... but trust me when I say it's going to be interesting :D
We see so many familiar faces in this instalment; as always, everyone was written superbly!

Pacing and flow:
This book is action-packed! Some necessary breathing room here and there, but then we're thrown into the action again!
I read this instalment in 2 days, but even when I wasn't reading it, it was always on my mind. I wanted, no, I needed to know what would happen! As we've come to expect from the author, there is a really good balance between all the action and the conversations. The only 'negative' I can give is that some ends were tied a bit abruptly, but then again, there was a lot to cover.

The book:
The book was well written with no (noticeable) errors. There is some sex described (if that is important to you).
It has 327 pages, spread over 18 chapters and is told from Kate's point of view.

Final thoughts:
The final showdown... we knew it was going to happen, the build-up was there for a few books, and still, it surprised me :D Even with the twists and unexpected turns, still a worthy conclusion to the series :) I'm sad but also can't wait to get started on Blood Heir! Oh, and I hope to see a lot more of Conlan! ( )
  Nemerith | Oct 30, 2023 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 49) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Magic Triumphs by Ilona Andrews
Urban Fantasy - August 28th, 2018
4 ½ stars

Magic Triumphs is the final installment in the Kate Daniels series. A sad moment in the Urban Fantasy genre. However, the authors have a spin off series (Iron Covenant) and possibly more stories with characters from this series may be in the works.

Kate and her lion shifter husband, Curran are finally starting their family with the new addition of their son, Conlan. Conlan is little ball of energy with many hidden talents. But their family life will never be normal as Kate’s mega-manic father is bent on complete domination of Atlanta. The city she has vowed protection over. Plus he also wants to kill her newborn son since Conlan is a threat to her father’s power. In addition, mysterious mass murders are cropping up. Ones that are not related to her father, but an unknown magical force that wants to claim Kate and her city. Unfortunately, this new power is stronger that even Kate can battle, can she convince her diabolical father to help before all she loves disappears?

This book wraps ups many loose ends and is surprisingly short. I liked a lot about this story. The biggest one being Conlan. He has charm to spare and powers that don’t seem to stop. ( Wouldn’t it be great for him to have his own series later?!) It was interesting to read Kate being a mother, I liked this softer side that she often does not show even to her closest friends. Kate and Curran still make a amazing team and I enjoyed reading how they are supportive and care for each other. There are some surprises as enemies becomes allies and good friends seem to have a strange character adjustments. Certain larger characters like the Bouda Clan (Andrea and Ascanio) and Jim and Dali are scarce. Since I’ve ‘grown up’ with these character it was almost like by omitting them the authors were saying good bye. I hope this isn’t true. Maybe their absence means they are leaving it open for potential future stories to be written about them. There was one big change I was disheartened by, the change in sweet-natured, Dali’s character. I loved her from the short novellas the authors had written before. However, Kate’s crazy family finally seems to become a real one that works. I enjoyed this book but for some reason I thought there would be more. I think that happens when authors create a world and characters that are like your best friends you don’t want to let go -no matter what happens.

Reviewed by Steph from the Bookaholics Romance Book Club
lisäsi 1BookaholicsReviewer | muokkaaBookaholics Romance Book Club, Bookaholics Romance Book Club

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Tekijän nimiRooliTekijän tyyppiKoskeeko teosta?Tila
Ilona Andrewsensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetlaskettu
Balfe, LoriAuthors photomuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Estreicher, TiffanySuunnittelijamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Gordon, AndrewAuthor's real namemuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Gordon, IlonaCo-author's real namemuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Kolesova, JulianaKansikuvataiteilijamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu

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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


"In this epic, can't-miss entry in the thrilling #1 New York Times bestselling urban-fantasy series, mercenary Kate Daniels must risk all to protect everything she holds dear... Kate has come a long way from her origins as a loner taking care of paranormal problems in post-Shift Atlanta. She's made friends and enemies. She's found love and started a family with Curran Lennart, the former Beast Lord. But her magic is too strong for the power players of the world to let her be. Kate and her father, Roland, currently have an uneasy truce, but when he starts testing her defenses again, she knows that sooner or later a confrontation is inevitable. The Witch Oracle has begun seeing visions of blood, fire, and human bones. And when a mysterious box is delivered to Kate's doorstep, a threat of war from the ancient enemy who nearly destroyed her family, she knows her time is up. Kate Daniels sees no other choice but to combine forces with the unlikeliest of allies. She knows betrayal is inevitable. She knows she may not survive the coming battle. But she has to try. For her child. For Atlanta. For the world"--

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