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Her Name in the Sky

Tekijä: Kelly Quindlen

Muut tekijät: Katso muut tekijät -osio.

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
16010172,098 (4.03)-
Seventeen-year-old Hannah wants to spend her senior year of high school going to football games and Mardi Gras parties. She wants to drive along the oak-lined streets of Louisiana's Garden District and lie on the hot sand of Florida's beaches. She wants to spend every night making memories with her tight-knit group of friends. The last thing she wants is to fall in love with a girl - especially when that girl is her best friend, Baker. Hannah knows she should like Wally, the kind, earnest boy who asks her to prom. She should cheer on her friend Clay when he asks Baker to be his girlfriend. She should follow the rules of her conservative community - the rules that have been ingrained in her since she was a child. But Hannah longs to be with Baker, who cooks macaroni and cheese with Hannah late at night, who believes in the magic of books as much as Hannah does, and who challenges Hannah to be the best version of herself. And Baker might want to be with Hannah, too - if both girls can embrace that world-shaking, yet wondrous, possibility. In this poignant coming-of-age novel, Hannah must find a compromise between the truth of her heart and the expectations of her community. She must break through her shame and learn to trust in the goodness of her friends. And above all, she and Baker must open their hearts to the saving power of love. Raw, moving, and teeming with unforgettable characters, Her Name in the Sky is a modern love story about the teenage quest for identity and the redeeming power of the human heart.… (lisätietoja)

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 10) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
I know the whole intent was to make this about discovering yourself while balancing the weight of the church and church expectations…. But for me, it felt a little heavy handed. The “it’s okay to be gay” at the end wasn’t really well balanced, so for me I wouldn’t EVER suggest this for a young adult. I’d honestly cater this to those that are gay that came from religious homes and are FULLY comfortable about who they are…. I feel like it takes a certain level of understanding and therapy based knowledge to actually make this one palatable. ( )
  MiserableFlower | Feb 23, 2023 |
God I have so much to say about this book...
It was on my to-be-read-list for a while and it wasn't even on the top list of the list.
After finishing my last book I had no new one that really caught my interest. So I spend a few days going through my to-be-read-list and finally decided on "Her Name in the Sky" on a whim.
I didn't know what to expect and wasn't really looking forward to the high school setting, but this book...
The longing wasn't just described it was felt! Crazy good!
If only the book wasn't so full of religious stuff, particularly in the last fourth... I personally can't understand how someone can go through all of this and still believe in any way. Maybe that's just my atheist ass being unable to comprehend how anyone can actually believe in fairytales like religion.
At the same time I seem to be able to empathize with Baker more than many other people in the reviews here. I think she is a great best friend who was deeply terrified and made mistakes. A very human character in that way in my opinion.
This one is a gem and a book I was looking for for years, without even realising it.
Ok, I'm of to the black hole of books that can't compare to this.
( )
  Dietmar_Schwarz | Dec 1, 2022 |
“Her Name in the Sky” is a roller coaster of emotions. And on this roller coaster, you cross themes like religion, love, friendship and hate and discrimination. I found the bundling of these themes exciting but at the same time frustrating because it confronted you with a lot of pain.

You follow the main character, Hannah, and her coming of age. As usual at this age, she has to overcome some difficulties, such as heartbreak. Besides her, the author also introduces a few of her friends. Some of them were redundant, and it became too much with all these characters in the story.

However, one of these characters is Baker. She is Hannah’s best friend and her love interest. And the latter causes a lot of problems because Baker keeps hurting Hannah as she is not aware of her own feelings. I could empathise with her inner conflicts caused by her sexual orientation. When you come to a point in your life where you realise who you really are, it can throw you off track. But honestly, Baker was selfish and drove me crazy with her heinous behaviour.

I found this book to be average. It is neither bad nor exceptional. But the behaviour of some characters was just annoying to me. I can understand that some readers find issues like coming out in a religious setting important for themselves, though.

Check out more reviews on my blog www.wordsandfiction.com. ( )
  wordsandfiction | Mar 5, 2022 |
G o d this pulled at every heartstring I have and hit wayyy closer to home than I anticipated going in.

Girls are in love, and it's heartbreaking, and sad for a while but no one dies!!!! And sisters are amazing!! And oh man this hit me hard, and I'm still reeling. ( )
  banrions | Dec 7, 2021 |
A good book going through the journey of two girl's acceptance of their sexualities and feelings they have for each other. I'm sure that people with a religious background (in this case, a Catholic one) would relate to this book much more than I did. I'll be honest, it was hard reading through the last few chapters, it seemed very realistic to me and I think that's just the cold truth. Please know beforehand that there is a fair bit of homophobia from some of the character's in here but the book ends at a positive note. Don't expect to get a rom-com type of romance in this though! ( )
  nikkiyrj | Sep 18, 2020 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 10) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Kelly Quindlenensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetlaskettu
Ehrnschwender, EricKansikuvataiteilijamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Goodeve, PiperKertojamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Seventeen-year-old Hannah wants to spend her senior year of high school going to football games and Mardi Gras parties. She wants to drive along the oak-lined streets of Louisiana's Garden District and lie on the hot sand of Florida's beaches. She wants to spend every night making memories with her tight-knit group of friends. The last thing she wants is to fall in love with a girl - especially when that girl is her best friend, Baker. Hannah knows she should like Wally, the kind, earnest boy who asks her to prom. She should cheer on her friend Clay when he asks Baker to be his girlfriend. She should follow the rules of her conservative community - the rules that have been ingrained in her since she was a child. But Hannah longs to be with Baker, who cooks macaroni and cheese with Hannah late at night, who believes in the magic of books as much as Hannah does, and who challenges Hannah to be the best version of herself. And Baker might want to be with Hannah, too - if both girls can embrace that world-shaking, yet wondrous, possibility. In this poignant coming-of-age novel, Hannah must find a compromise between the truth of her heart and the expectations of her community. She must break through her shame and learn to trust in the goodness of her friends. And above all, she and Baker must open their hearts to the saving power of love. Raw, moving, and teeming with unforgettable characters, Her Name in the Sky is a modern love story about the teenage quest for identity and the redeeming power of the human heart.

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