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I Am Livia

Tekijä: Phyllis T. Smith

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3042187,172 (3.79)18
Her life would be marked by scandal and suspicion, worship and adoration... At the tender age of fourteen, Livia Drusilla overhears her father and fellow aristocrats plotting the assassination of Julius Caesar. Proving herself an astute confidante, she becomes her father's chief political asset--and reluctantly enters into an advantageous marriage to a prominent military officer. Her mother tells her, "It is possible for a woman to influence public affairs," reminding Livia that--while she possesses a keen sense for the machinations of the Roman senate--she must also remain patient and practical. But patience and practicality disappear from Livia's mind when she meets Caesar's heir, Octavianus. At only eighteen, he displays both power and modesty. A young wife by that point, Livia finds herself drawn to the golden-haired boy. In time, his fortunes will rise as Livia's family faces terrible danger. But her sharp intellect--and her heart--will lead Livia to make an unbelievable choice: one that will give her greater sway over Rome than she could have ever foreseen.… (lisätietoja)

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 21) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
This is an autobiographical novel of the life of Livia, wife of Julius Caesar's great nephew and adopted son Octavian, better known as the future Roman Emperor Augustus. The relationship between the two of them is closer to being one of equals, intellectually at least, than any other such relationship of the time - Livia has been described as the most powerful woman in the history of ancient Rome. The Livia depicted here is Tavius's (Octavian's) closest political advisor, but also very humane and with a horror of the warfare which necessarily accompanies his rise to supreme power. He (and ultimately she also) regards this rise as being for the good of Rome, in putting an end to the civil wars which have disfigured the city and growing empire's life for many decades and have effectively put an end to the Roman Republic, whose ideals were embodied most effectively by such figures as Cicero and Cato. This is a very different Livia from the more famous manipulative and scheming murderess depicted by Robert Graves in I, Claudius. I prefer to believe this version of Livia, though historians have different views and we will never know for sure. What is sure is that she was declared a goddess after her death at the advanced age of 86 by her grandson, Emperor Claudius. A powerful and influential figure. ( )
  john257hopper | Mar 23, 2021 |
The day to day life and marriage of Livia to Octavian (Tavia) is conjecture; but the history of Rome, the Roman Civil Wars, and the foreign wars were very accurate. This is the 2nd account I have read of Livia, the first being I, Claudius many years ago. This novel paints Livia in a kinder, gentler light; although certainly no door mat. I do understand the machinations that took Rome from a republic to an empire better after this read. My only complaint is that the book informs readers that Octavia (Octavian's sister) raised the 3 surviving children of Antony and Cleopatra. Most historians agree that the oldest male, Alexander Helios was killed by Octavian very soon after parading him as a trophy in Rome. 391 pages 5 stars ( )
  Tess_W | Jun 18, 2018 |
In her old age Livia reminiscences about her early years down to the future Augustus's return from the battle of Actium and taking control of Egypt.

After a somewhat shaky start, I really enjoyed this one. This is not Sian Phillips's dragon lady but a very believable and likeable character. ( )
1 ääni Robertgreaves | Feb 18, 2018 |
I found this story very dull. I just drag and drag for me. Livia just felt dry and borning and along with everyone else in the story.
It's too bad Livia was a interesting woman and the time period in Rome has some of the most fascinating people. ( )
  lemonpop | Nov 22, 2017 |
The writing style in this book reminds me of Philippa Gregory's treatment of the women in Henry VIII's court. And that's not a compliment. Livia is the daughter of Marcus Claudianus, a senator who was among the conspirators against Julius Caesar. When Octavian began his campaign of retribution against his adopted father's assassins, her father committed suicide after Octavian's victory at the Battle of Philippi. Her husband by arranged marriage, magistrate Tiberius Claudius Nero, fled to Marc Antony's side in Egypt. Livia and Tiberius Claudius Nero then fled to Greece, returning to Rome after a general amnesty was announced.

In this book, Livia has long had contact with the young Octavian, who became the Emperor Augustus. Pregnant with her second son, the much loved and tragic Nero Claudius Drusus (aka Drusus the Elder, father of the notorious Caligula), she wed Octavian after Tiberius Claudius Nero was compelled to divorce her (as Octavian did his own wife, Scribonia). What follows is routine life in the upper class of Rome, along with much anxiety over Livia's failure to produce a true heir with Augustus. Resigned to the inevitability that Augustus would discard her for someone younger and more fertile, she was surprised when Augustus affirmed his devotion to her and adopted her sons as his heirs.

The end of Augustus and the early reign of her son, Tiberius, are sort of "yadda yadda'd" at the end of the book. This is the point in her story where Robert Graves makes her the devious schemer pulling strings on everyone atop the government, as well as striving for a legacy to become deified along with her husband following her death. And that's a shame, Graves' Livia is far more dynamic than Smith's. ( )
  JeffV | Apr 9, 2016 |
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Her life would be marked by scandal and suspicion, worship and adoration... At the tender age of fourteen, Livia Drusilla overhears her father and fellow aristocrats plotting the assassination of Julius Caesar. Proving herself an astute confidante, she becomes her father's chief political asset--and reluctantly enters into an advantageous marriage to a prominent military officer. Her mother tells her, "It is possible for a woman to influence public affairs," reminding Livia that--while she possesses a keen sense for the machinations of the Roman senate--she must also remain patient and practical. But patience and practicality disappear from Livia's mind when she meets Caesar's heir, Octavianus. At only eighteen, he displays both power and modesty. A young wife by that point, Livia finds herself drawn to the golden-haired boy. In time, his fortunes will rise as Livia's family faces terrible danger. But her sharp intellect--and her heart--will lead Livia to make an unbelievable choice: one that will give her greater sway over Rome than she could have ever foreseen.

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