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Hothouse Flower

Tekijä: Krista Ritchie, Becca Ritchie

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
2665100,939 (4.16)1
Twenty-five-year-old Ryke Meadows knows he's hard to love. With a billion-dollar inheritance, a track-star resume, and an alpha-male personality he redefines the term likable jerk. But he's not living to make friends. Or enemies. He just wants to free climb three of the toughest mountains in Yosemite without drama or interruption. And then he receives a distressed call from a girl in Paris -- from a girl that he never let himself get close to. Daisy Calloway is eighteen. Finally. With her newfound independence, she can say goodbye to her overbearing mother and continue her modelling career. Paris Fashion Week begins with a bang, and Daisy uncovers the ugly reality of the industry. She wants to prove to her family that she can live on her own, but when everything spirals out of control, she turns to Ryke to keep her secrets. As Daisy struggles to make sense of this new world and her freedom, she pushes the limits and fearlessly rides the edge. Ryke knows there's deep hurt beneath every impulsive action. He must keep up with Daisy because, if he lets her go, her favourite motto -- 'live as if you'll die today' -- may just come true.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 5/5
I try to express only my most honest opinion in a spoiler-free way. Unfortunately, there is still always a risk of slight spoilers despite my best efforts. If you feel something in my review is a spoiler please let me know. Thank you.

Finally, that's the first thing that comes to mind with this book. I have been waiting since [b:Ricochet|22296725|Ricochet (Addicted, #1.5)|Krista Ritchie|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1400803843l/22296725._SY75_.jpg|25187508] for Ryke and Daisy to finally happen. Sure I had some issues with it at first when she was still a teenager, but the author did nothing but friendship with these two till now, that she is an 18-year-old adult.

Honestly, I understood everyone's issue with it when she was younger. Even as just friends there was way to much flirting. But everyone still making a big deal about the age difference as two adults baffles me. My husband is 7 years older than me as well. I crushed on him at 16, similar to Daisy. Our relationship didn't really begin till I was 24 though, but still, the big deal being made her after she is an adult is a bit ridiculous.

It's easy to see why she falls for Ryke. This is a girl who as a teen was expected to not gain weight, to pose in underwear for magazines, she drinks, has done drugs, and even her sisters find it acceptable that she lost her virginity at 15 years old, but even at 18 years old they all become uncomfortable at a dirty joke just because she tells it, and not one of the other six. It is ridiculous. She left out among her sisters. Rose and Lily go to each other with secrets and leave Daisy out cause 'she's too young' even though she's had to deal with more grown-up situations than either of them. Ryke is the only one that treats as she be, by her maturity and not her age, while still keeping in mind that she is a teenager and needs emotional support at times.

As for Daisy's mother. This woman is really starting to get on my last nerve. First, she's all up in Rose's business just cause she can be. Not because she needs to be. Then she ignores Lily for most of her life, becomes shocked at the damage it has done and treats Lily like some disgusting blob she has to deal with on occasion because of it. Finally, she treats Daisy like some doll and not a human being and doesn't care to even try to listen to her no matter how many times Daisy tells her. This book makes a big deal about Ryke's mom and dad, and they should as they are also both sh***y people, but Samantha Calloway is a serious POS and should never have been allowed to have children.

Well now that I got all my emotional stuff out. This book was fantastic. This whole series is fantastic, and if you haven't already. You need to start this series as the entire Addicted series, not just the Calloway Sisters series as there is so much you are missing out on and it is so worth reading the WHOLE thing. ( )
  starslight86 | Jul 20, 2021 |
I have to be honest here. When I first started reading the Addicted series and found out there was a book featuring Ryke and Daisy, I was a little put off. The idea of this 25-year-old guy dating this 18-year-old girl was almost too much to handle, especially given the fact that Daisy is only fifteen when the story begins. But I love the Ritchie sisters, and I've never been disappointed in anything they've written, so I gave it a try. And... wow. My mind was blown. I'm sorry. I won't doubt these authors again.

Ryke and Daisy have been fighting their feelings for years, not wanting to upset their families. Ryke's brother, Lo, is dating Daisy's sister, Lily. And from the moment Ryke and Daisy met, Lo's warned him against starting anything with her. Despite this, their friendship has been filled with flirting, innuendo, and more touching than strictly necessary since the beginning. Ryke and Daisy are frequently pushed together as their siblings and friends pair off, and what's developed over the years is a friendship more solid than any relationship either of them has ever had. They soon find that they can't hold back anymore, but the fear of disapproval -- or worse -- keeps them from sharing their new relationship.

There's not really a whole lot for me to say here. The Calloways and their friends are some of my favorite literary characters, and the Ritchie sisters literally never disappoint. I'm convinced that they could write just about anything and I would love it. Initially I wasn't sure if I wanted to branch out from Lily and Lo, but both Kiss the Sky and Hothouse Flower have been amazing, enjoyable reads. I don't want the series to end, but I seriously cannot wait for the release of Long Way Down. ( )
  Sara.Newhouse | Feb 11, 2016 |
Horrible .

Se supone que debe parecerme sexy que un tipo use el termino fuck (y todos sus derivados ) cada cuatro palabras ?

Horroroso . No creo que vuelva a molestarme con estas autoras otra vez . No pase de cuatro capítulos .
  LaMala | Jun 7, 2015 |
He's my last real friend. But I know that's not entirely true. He's the only real one I've ever had.

Finally. Finally! We get Ryke and Daisy's story! I have been waiting it seems like forever to see something blossom between these two. I was not disappointed!

Daisy and Ryke have kept in contact throughout the year breaks between the books. I loved that we finally got to see inside their friendship. Things haven't been easy with Daisy and thank god for Ryke. He has been there for her no matter what. The build up was fantastic with these two! It wasn't instant but it didn't take the whole book to get to either! Once things started with them, it was just beautiful and I admit some parts were hilarious... Their connection felt... well for lack of a better word, right! I didn't feel like it was forced at all.

Anyways, I have to say I was threw for a loop with some of the major issues faced in this book. Daisy hasn't been given enough credit by anyone except Ryke in the other books, so it was good to see all the relationships evolve! Daisy isn't as tough as she plays off to be either and seeing what she was dealing with was hard.

I want to fucking feed her first, and then I want to fuck her hard.

Ryke was everything and more than I expected! Getting inside his head was so eye-opening. He is such a good person and I think sometimes it's hard to see just how kind he is and how selfless. My heart broke for him. There was one scene with Lo that tore me apart for Ryke. I found myself angry with Lo. But the way Ryke handled things just made me cry more. Paris was a difficult part of this book. But without Paris this book would be nothing like it is.

The story is really long, but I didn't want it to end!!! I stayed up all night, unable to put it down. I really hope we do get more in the Calloway Sisters series.

" What we fucking have," he says. "I love you beyond physical attraction." He cups my smooth cheek, looking deep into my eyes. "I love you Dais, because you're the wildest fucking girl with the biggest fucking heart. And without you in my life"- he shakes his head like it's a inconceivable picture- "I'd be the unhappiest fucking guy."
( )
  Mommy.Reads.What | Jun 22, 2014 |
He's my last real friend. But I know that's not entirely true. He's the only real one I've ever had.

Finally. Finally! We get Ryke and Daisy's story! I have been waiting it seems like forever to see something blossom between these two. I was not disappointed!

Daisy and Ryke have kept in contact throughout the year breaks between the books. I loved that we finally got to see inside their friendship. Things haven't been easy with Daisy and thank god for Ryke. He has been there for her no matter what. The build up was fantastic with these two! It wasn't instant but it didn't take the whole book to get to either! Once things started with them, it was just beautiful and I admit some parts were hilarious... Their connection felt... well for lack of a better word, right! I didn't feel like it was forced at all.

Anyways, I have to say I was threw for a loop with some of the major issues faced in this book. Daisy hasn't been given enough credit by anyone except Ryke in the other books, so it was good to see all the relationships evolve! Daisy isn't as tough as she plays off to be either and seeing what she was dealing with was hard.

I want to fucking feed her first, and then I want to fuck her hard.

Ryke was everything and more than I expected! Getting inside his head was so eye-opening. He is such a good person and I think sometimes it's hard to see just how kind he is and how selfless. My heart broke for him. There was one scene with Lo that tore me apart for Ryke. I found myself angry with Lo. But the way Ryke handled things just made me cry more. Paris was a difficult part of this book. But without Paris this book would be nothing like it is.

The story is really long, but I didn't want it to end!!! I stayed up all night, unable to put it down. I really hope we do get more in the Calloway Sisters series.

" What we fucking have," he says. "I love you beyond physical attraction." He cups my smooth cheek, looking deep into my eyes. "I love you Dais, because you're the wildest fucking girl with the biggest fucking heart. And without you in my life"- he shakes his head like it's a inconceivable picture- "I'd be the unhappiest fucking guy."
( )
  Mommy.Reads.What | Jun 22, 2014 |
näyttää 5/5
ei arvosteluja | lisää arvostelu

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Twenty-five-year-old Ryke Meadows knows he's hard to love. With a billion-dollar inheritance, a track-star resume, and an alpha-male personality he redefines the term likable jerk. But he's not living to make friends. Or enemies. He just wants to free climb three of the toughest mountains in Yosemite without drama or interruption. And then he receives a distressed call from a girl in Paris -- from a girl that he never let himself get close to. Daisy Calloway is eighteen. Finally. With her newfound independence, she can say goodbye to her overbearing mother and continue her modelling career. Paris Fashion Week begins with a bang, and Daisy uncovers the ugly reality of the industry. She wants to prove to her family that she can live on her own, but when everything spirals out of control, she turns to Ryke to keep her secrets. As Daisy struggles to make sense of this new world and her freedom, she pushes the limits and fearlessly rides the edge. Ryke knows there's deep hurt beneath every impulsive action. He must keep up with Daisy because, if he lets her go, her favourite motto -- 'live as if you'll die today' -- may just come true.

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