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Event Horizon

Tekijä: Steven Konkoly

Sarjat: Alex Fletcher (3)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
631421,530 (3.84)2
In Maine, the consequences of a random, deadly encounter has left Kate Fletcher and her travel companions in a state of perpetual fear. Finally reaching the Fletcher's western Maine retreat, they prepare for the worst--not truly understanding the threat conspiring against them.

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» Katso myös 2 mainintaa

Event Horizon picks up exactly where book one, The Perseid Collapse, ended. As with book 1, this book spends too much time at planning what should happen instead of allowing the story to be told; almost repetitive in places which seems to bog the story down. The ending is somewhat complete as the battle at Alex Father's farm concludes against the local militia (more of a street gang - its leader reminds me of Neegan in the Walking Dead TV series) and doesn't just end in a major cliff-hanger. However, I wouldn't recommend that readers read this without having read book one in the series. Readers also discover that the US military in the area is led by Alex's former commander in Iraq, and as a condition of helping Alex rescue the kids from the college, he has to accept reactivation at his former rank of Captain. True to his word, the military unit assists during the rescue of the kids and at the farm battle - Now Alex must return the favor and take over a military battalion in a different state; a mission that will be covered in the next book. I am taking a break from this series and haven't decided yet if I'll return. I would like to see how the series ends and might have to bite the bullet down the road. ( )
  JPodlaski | Dec 16, 2018 |
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In Maine, the consequences of a random, deadly encounter has left Kate Fletcher and her travel companions in a state of perpetual fear. Finally reaching the Fletcher's western Maine retreat, they prepare for the worst--not truly understanding the threat conspiring against them.

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Arvio (tähdet)

Keskiarvo: (3.84)
2.5 1
3 6
3.5 2
4 16
5 4

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