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Making Soapies in Kabul: Hot Days, Crazy Nights and Dangerous Liaisons in a War Zone

Tekijä: Trudi-Ann Tierney

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Since writer, producer and actor Trudi-Ann Tierney went to work in Afghanistan television three and a half years ago, her life has read a lot like the script for a soap-opera. Negotiating with the in-house censor, breaking up tribal fights in the writers' room and having actresses quit because their uncle didn't want them to be on TV are among her workaday travails. Then there are the suicide attacks, including a Taliban assault on the US embassy in Kabul that unfolded at the end of her street. 'I've been through six suicide attacks since I've been here, three of them very close,' she says...When she first went to Kabul, with the promise of work, Trudi worked in an illicit bar. Today she is head of drama at Afghanistan's biggest TV broadcaster Moby Media Group, where she oversees about half a dozen programs, including the country's most popular soap Raaz Hai Een Khana (The Secrets of This House). Occasionally as madcap as Catch-22 and as absurd as One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, this is a part-hilarious, part-nail-biting account of a talented TV executive working in a war zone and an environment that is dangerously inimical to women. The author's sense of humour and her love of the Afghan people shines through.… (lisätietoja)

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  jll1976 | Mar 24, 2014 |
Intrigued by her friend’s appointment as the head of production for Afghanistan’s largest and most successful television broadcaster, Sydney based producer and actress Trudi-Ann Tierney promised to join him if the opportunity ever arose. Barely six months later, in early 2009, Trudi-Ann found herself navigating the heavily armed guards at the airport and IDE strewn roads to Kabul for a four week stint managing ‘The Den’, a bar catering to ‘Knuckle Draggers’ (western private security contractors) in the hope that once in-country she could pick up some work with the Moby Media Group.

Making Soapies in Kabul is Trudi-Ann Tierney’s fascinating account of her three and a half years in Afghanistan producing local television. Working long hours with few resources, inexperienced staff and hampered by language and cultural barriers she nevertheless produced the country’s most popular television soapies, Salam and Secrets of This House as well as a police drama, Eagle Four.

Established in 2003 after the fall of the Taliban, Moby Media’s programming was a mix of self-devised television funded by advertising and ‘projects’ financed by interested parties. Nominated the head of drama Trudi-Ann was also required to facilitate PSYOPS, ‘Psychological Operations’ which targeted Afghani viewers with messages designed to influence behaviour and attitudes, ranging from promoting trust in police to informing on the Taliban.

Filming largely on location, Trudi-Ann shares the trials of producing television as a foreigner in an Islamic war-zone, smuggling actresses in from Pakistan, negotiating with the military and local law enforcement, and bribing the cast to last the day of filming. Often twice the age of her young staff, Trudi-Ann’s goal is to teach them all she knows so that they can carry on when the time comes for her to leave.

Despite being trailed by personal security guards 24/7 and the backdrop of military activity, gunfire and explosions Trudi-Ann rarely thinks of the risks she takes by living in a war-zone aside from devising a hiding place and escape strategy from the various compounds in which she lives. Yet the intensity of the setting fosters a sense of recklessness that expresses itself in drug-taking, excessive drinking and promiscuity.

Written in a conversational tone with honesty, humour and heart, Making Soapies in Kabul is a compelling read offering personal insight into Afghanistan and its people, the thriving ex-pat community and Trudi-Ann’s experiences producing television drama in the midst of real conflict. ( )
  shelleyraec | Mar 17, 2014 |
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Since writer, producer and actor Trudi-Ann Tierney went to work in Afghanistan television three and a half years ago, her life has read a lot like the script for a soap-opera. Negotiating with the in-house censor, breaking up tribal fights in the writers' room and having actresses quit because their uncle didn't want them to be on TV are among her workaday travails. Then there are the suicide attacks, including a Taliban assault on the US embassy in Kabul that unfolded at the end of her street. 'I've been through six suicide attacks since I've been here, three of them very close,' she says...When she first went to Kabul, with the promise of work, Trudi worked in an illicit bar. Today she is head of drama at Afghanistan's biggest TV broadcaster Moby Media Group, where she oversees about half a dozen programs, including the country's most popular soap Raaz Hai Een Khana (The Secrets of This House). Occasionally as madcap as Catch-22 and as absurd as One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, this is a part-hilarious, part-nail-biting account of a talented TV executive working in a war zone and an environment that is dangerously inimical to women. The author's sense of humour and her love of the Afghan people shines through.

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