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Tower Lord

Tekijä: Anthony Ryan

Sarjat: Raven's Shadow (2)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
8483425,939 (3.94)23
Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. HTML:In Blood Song, Anthony Ryan introduced readers to ??a fascinating world of conflicting religions and the wars fought in the name of those faiths? (Library Journal). Now Ryan??s epic tale continues as Vaelin Al Sorna discovers that there is no escape from the call of destiny?
??The blood-song rose with an unexpected tune, a warm hum mingling recognition with an impression of safety. He had a sense it was welcoming him home.?
Vaelin Al Sorna, warrior of the Sixth Order, called Darkblade, called Hope Killer. The greatest warrior of his day, and witness to the greatest defeat of his nation: King Janus??s vision of a Greater Unified Realm drowned in the blood of brave men fighting for a cause Vaelin alone knows was forged from a lie. Sick at heart, he comes home, determined to kill no more. Named Tower Lord of the Northern Reaches by King Janus??s grateful heir, he can perhaps find peace in a colder, more remote land far from the intrigues of a troubled Realm.
But those gifted with the blood-song are never destined to live a quiet life. Many died in King Janus??s wars, but many survived, and Vaelin is a target, not just for those seeking revenge but for those who know what he can do. The Faith has been sundered, and many have no doubt who their leader should be. The new King is weak, but his sister is strong. The blood-song is powerful, rich in warning and guidance in times of trouble, but is only a fraction of the power available to others who understand more of its mysteries. Something moves against the Realm, something that commands mighty forces, and Vaelin will find to his great regret that when faced with annihilation, even the most reluctant hand must eventually
… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatIrina79, yksityinen kirjasto, J-P, jcm790, LLonaVahine, IamOCD, bbeers2024, bookdragon616

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 33) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
This review is for the complete Raven's Shadow trilogy , by Anthony Ryan (Blood Song; Tower Lord; Queen of Fire).

I enjoyed it a lot...

The first book is a coming of age story told from the point of view of Vaelin al Sorna, as he grows up as a brother of the Sixth Order. That's an order of warriors monks who serve the Faith and the Realm, in that order. It's a training novel, and the training is absolutely brutal, resulting in the death of a good number of the young trainees. Vaelin himself grows up to be an extraordinary warrior with a mystical ability. You have to understand that this is a heroic story, and the main characters are extremely skilled. However, he does not seem overpowered because the challenges he faces always keep him as the underdog. the novel is very readable and the supernatural elements are intriguing and original.

Then, in the second and third books, the style changes to multiple points of view. Three new point of view characters are introduced, with the story told from the perspective of one of them in each chapter. I have seen that the reviews are mixed for these books. The first one met with almost universal acclaim, while the second and particularly the third got mixed reviews. I think that this is somewhat unfair. People liked Vaelin and wanted more of him, but the storylines of the other three point of view characters are quite interesting too. But it's true that some of the style and personality of the first book gets diluted into a more generic epic fantasy. I think that many readers found the sudden change from single to multiple points of view a bit jarring. Also, the author makes the choice to keep Vaelin away from many of the greatest battles. In a story like this, we want our greatest hero kicking ass, but a lot of the time, particularly in the third book, Vaelin is involved in a quest that is equally important but removes him from the war.

Anyway, the supernatural enemies are original and menacing, and the story is epic, even if the final war in the third book is sometimes anticlimactic. ( )
  jcm790 | May 26, 2024 |
Invasione Volariana. Tutto il mondo in guerra.
Vaelin insieme a sua sorella Alornis e Dharena raduna Nortah e altri magici oltre a Eorhil Sil e i Seorda Sil infine anche Caenis con quel che resta della Guardia del Regno
Regina Lyrna gravemente ustionata dopo la pace con i Lonak arriva con rinforzi Maldeani tra cui Lo Scudo
Tutti giungono a Cumbrael x salvare Alltor,la città di Reva, tranne Frentis, Dakova e Maestro Sollis che sono rimasti indietro ( )
  LLonaVahine | May 22, 2024 |
REREAD 2016: Loved it just as much as the 1st time. I want more from Mr Ryan.

ORIGINAL REVIEW: Loved, loved, loved--and shocked that I did. Very much looking forward to the next book in the (what I hope is) a trilogy.

The narrator was quite good--I'll be picking up the print version as well because these books will be on my 'Will Re-read' list. ( )
  jazzbird61 | Feb 29, 2024 |
It took me a lot longer to get through Tower Lord than Blood Song. I liked the first better, but still enjoyed this book. ( )
  Tom_Wright | Oct 11, 2023 |
Really loved this follow-up to Blood Song. Ryan did a lot of work to round out character building with world building and every chapter was entertaining! The addition of new characters like Reva filled some of what I was lacking from the first installment and the build-up to a final war was done in a way that didn't make it feel tired. Can't wait to dive into book three!

If you haven't read this series yet - you're really missing out! ( )
  BreePye | Oct 6, 2023 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 33) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. HTML:In Blood Song, Anthony Ryan introduced readers to ??a fascinating world of conflicting religions and the wars fought in the name of those faiths? (Library Journal). Now Ryan??s epic tale continues as Vaelin Al Sorna discovers that there is no escape from the call of destiny?
??The blood-song rose with an unexpected tune, a warm hum mingling recognition with an impression of safety. He had a sense it was welcoming him home.?
Vaelin Al Sorna, warrior of the Sixth Order, called Darkblade, called Hope Killer. The greatest warrior of his day, and witness to the greatest defeat of his nation: King Janus??s vision of a Greater Unified Realm drowned in the blood of brave men fighting for a cause Vaelin alone knows was forged from a lie. Sick at heart, he comes home, determined to kill no more. Named Tower Lord of the Northern Reaches by King Janus??s grateful heir, he can perhaps find peace in a colder, more remote land far from the intrigues of a troubled Realm.
But those gifted with the blood-song are never destined to live a quiet life. Many died in King Janus??s wars, but many survived, and Vaelin is a target, not just for those seeking revenge but for those who know what he can do. The Faith has been sundered, and many have no doubt who their leader should be. The new King is weak, but his sister is strong. The blood-song is powerful, rich in warning and guidance in times of trouble, but is only a fraction of the power available to others who understand more of its mysteries. Something moves against the Realm, something that commands mighty forces, and Vaelin will find to his great regret that when faced with annihilation, even the most reluctant hand must eventually

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