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The New Soft War on Women: How the Myth of Female Ascendance Is Hurting Women, Men--and Our Economy

Tekijä: Caryl Rivers

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
351702,977 (3.5)-
" For the first time in history, women make up half the educated labor force and are earning the majority of advanced degrees. It should be the best time ever for women, and yet... it's not. Storm clouds are gathering, and the worst thing is that most women don't have a clue what could be coming. In large part this is because the message they're being fed is that they now have it made. But do they? In The New Soft War on Women, respected experts on gender issues and the psychology of women Caryl Rivers and Rosalind C. Barnett argue that an insidious war of subtle biases and barriers is being waged that continues to marginalize women. Although women have made huge strides in recent years, these gains have not translated into money and influence. Consider the following: - Women with MBAs earn, on average, $4,600 less than their male counterparts in their first job out of business school. - Female physicians earn, on average, 39 percent less than male physicians. - Female financial analysts take in 35 percent less, and female chief executives one quarter less than men in similar positions. In this eye-opening book, Rivers and Barnett offer women the real facts as well as tools for combating the "soft war" tactics that prevent them from advancing in their careers. With women now central to the economy, determining to a large degree whether it thrives or stagnates, this is one war no one can afford for them to lose"-- "We are at a turning point in American economic history. Although women have made huge strides in attaining higher education and employment opportunities in recent years, these gains have not translated into money and influence. If we do not combat the insidious barriers and biases that prevent women from advancing in their careers, then women, and the American economy as a whole, will suffer for it. This book is a wake-up call to prevent subtle biases, i.e. the "soft war," from crippling women's aspirations and scuttling the US economy in the process. Women are now central to the economy, and whether it thrives or stagnates rests, to a large degree, on whether we win or lose this war"--… (lisätietoja)

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Ei tämänhetkisiä Keskustelu-viestiketjuja tästä kirjasta.

The only thing that prevents this from being a five-star book is the superficiality of the work. The authors state a lot of facts in rapid fire manner, but do not really delve in depth into any of it, but often move on after stating a fact that calls for more information. The problem is they try to cover too much in a book that is not at all overwhelmingly long. In fact, the format of the book makes this book, though normal in heft, a relatively shortish book, so more could be added, though probably changing the format so it didn't get too hefty to appeal to anyone. That being said, the book is worthwhile, and should be required reading by anyone hiring women, educating women, working with women, working for women, or even knowing women...in short, everyone. ( )
  Devil_llama | Aug 13, 2018 |
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" For the first time in history, women make up half the educated labor force and are earning the majority of advanced degrees. It should be the best time ever for women, and yet... it's not. Storm clouds are gathering, and the worst thing is that most women don't have a clue what could be coming. In large part this is because the message they're being fed is that they now have it made. But do they? In The New Soft War on Women, respected experts on gender issues and the psychology of women Caryl Rivers and Rosalind C. Barnett argue that an insidious war of subtle biases and barriers is being waged that continues to marginalize women. Although women have made huge strides in recent years, these gains have not translated into money and influence. Consider the following: - Women with MBAs earn, on average, $4,600 less than their male counterparts in their first job out of business school. - Female physicians earn, on average, 39 percent less than male physicians. - Female financial analysts take in 35 percent less, and female chief executives one quarter less than men in similar positions. In this eye-opening book, Rivers and Barnett offer women the real facts as well as tools for combating the "soft war" tactics that prevent them from advancing in their careers. With women now central to the economy, determining to a large degree whether it thrives or stagnates, this is one war no one can afford for them to lose"-- "We are at a turning point in American economic history. Although women have made huge strides in attaining higher education and employment opportunities in recent years, these gains have not translated into money and influence. If we do not combat the insidious barriers and biases that prevent women from advancing in their careers, then women, and the American economy as a whole, will suffer for it. This book is a wake-up call to prevent subtle biases, i.e. the "soft war," from crippling women's aspirations and scuttling the US economy in the process. Women are now central to the economy, and whether it thrives or stagnates rests, to a large degree, on whether we win or lose this war"--

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