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Restoreth My Soul

Tekijä: Debbie Viguie

Sarjat: Psalm 23 Mysteries (5)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1711,253,776 (3.92)1
An old mystery at the heart of a new crime.With Rosh Hashanah upon him the last thing Rabbi Jeremiah needs is to get involved with another mystery. This time, though, it is Detective Mark who pulls him in to help translate bloody Hebrew letters at a crime scene. It doesn't take long before Cindy is pulled into the middle of things as it becomes clear that this is more than just a simple murder. Behind this killing is a mystery decades old that stretches back to the dark days at the end of World War II. Now Cindy and Jeremiah must stop a killer who seems to always be one step ahead as they try to find the secret buried in the heart of the word Restoration.… (lisätietoja)

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I read the first two in this series of 11 (so far) last year, and put them aside for a while. I couldn't remember why until I read #4 and #5 in the series over the weekend. Now I remember.

I really, really want to love these books. However, I am finally admitting that they are too sophomoric for me.

Not that I am a highbrow, but these are written for a different kind of reader than I am. I think they are written for older teens or younger twenty-somethings. And it's Christian fiction, which I normally eschew, but this is not over-the-top with religious doctrine. There is a complicated almost-love relationship. There is a handsome man with a secret past. There is a policeman who acts tough, but is really a big teddy bear.

And I think therein lies the rub - it is very formulaic. It is the same story in each book, regurgitated with a different crime. Plus, the sexual tension between the two protagonists is contrived and forced (after book five, they still haven't acknowledged their feelings?!).

But the real kicker here for me is the lack of proofing/editing on the books. They are riddled with errors in grammar. I may even be able to read the rest of the series, if it were not so frustrating, but the egregious grammar errors seal the deal for me.

Not recommended. ( )
  CarmenMilligan | Jan 18, 2016 |
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


An old mystery at the heart of a new crime.With Rosh Hashanah upon him the last thing Rabbi Jeremiah needs is to get involved with another mystery. This time, though, it is Detective Mark who pulls him in to help translate bloody Hebrew letters at a crime scene. It doesn't take long before Cindy is pulled into the middle of things as it becomes clear that this is more than just a simple murder. Behind this killing is a mystery decades old that stretches back to the dark days at the end of World War II. Now Cindy and Jeremiah must stop a killer who seems to always be one step ahead as they try to find the secret buried in the heart of the word Restoration.

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