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The Hunt for Pierre Jnr

Tekijä: David M Henley

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271871,156 (4)3
He can make you forget. He can control you. And he is only eight years old. Pierre Jnr has a mind more powerful than any the world has encountered before. He can make you forget, he can control you and he is only eight years old. three months after his birth he escaped. An hour later he was lost to surveillance. No one knows where he has been for the last eight years ... Now Pierre Jnr is about to return. THE HUNT FOR PIERRE JNR follows the activities of an elite group dedicated to tracking down the eight-year-old boy who is currently the greatest threat humanity has ever known. It's a pacy and gripping chase, and an impressive vision of our future.… (lisätietoja)

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It’s almost 150 years into the future and the earth’s population has been decimated by global warming and the resulting uprisings which have become known as the Second Dark Age. The Citizens now mostly live in huge domed megapolises protected from the elements. But since the Second Dark Age a new threat has arisen. The advent of psionic powers – such as telekinesis and telepathy - in an increasing number of people is threatening society. Supported by Services (a global organisation) and directed by the Weave, a form of the internet which has made connection and information instantly attainable, teams are forcibly detaining and exiling these psis.

Pierre Jnr becomes known to the world when an attempt is made to detain him with disastrous results. He has powers beyond anything ever seen before and those in power are aware that he could become the leader of a psi revolution.

I enjoyed this book. It was fast paced and Henley’s ideas for the future were interesting and almost believable in a future world. However, that same fast pace sometimes had me a little bit confused and left me wondering at times what had just happened, and to whom!

It looks like this is only the beginning of the story and I will be looking forward to the next one! ( )
  judylou | Jun 21, 2013 |
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He can make you forget. He can control you. And he is only eight years old. Pierre Jnr has a mind more powerful than any the world has encountered before. He can make you forget, he can control you and he is only eight years old. three months after his birth he escaped. An hour later he was lost to surveillance. No one knows where he has been for the last eight years ... Now Pierre Jnr is about to return. THE HUNT FOR PIERRE JNR follows the activities of an elite group dedicated to tracking down the eight-year-old boy who is currently the greatest threat humanity has ever known. It's a pacy and gripping chase, and an impressive vision of our future.

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