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The Other Medicine...That Really Works: How Energy Medicine Can Help You Heal In Body, Mind, and Spirit

Tekijä: Heidi DuPree RN CTN

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512,994,768 (4)-
The Other Medicine That Really Works is the recipient of 7 national and international awards including: 2013 International Book Awards Winner in Health/Alternative Medicine, 2013 National Indie Excellence Awards Finalist in Body/Mind/Spirit, 2013 Living Now Book Awards for Better Living Winner of Silver Medal in Healing Arts, 2013 Global EBook Awards Winner of Gold Award in Spiritual/Metaphysical and Bronze Award in Health, 2013 USA Best Book Awards Finalist in Health/Alternative Medicine, and 2013 Florida Authors and Publisher Awards Winner of Silver Medal in Health.Western Medicine may save your life, but to heal your life you need Energy Medicine. Although we have twice the life expectancy of our ancestors, the quality of our lives is increasingly diminished by chronic physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health issues due to a pervasive lack of knowledge of their core causes and treatment. Weaving together mind-body health information with scientific studies and true-life stories of healing, The Other Medicine...That Really Works restores the knowledge that is your birthright. This comprehensive guide to a healing way of life will help you learn the key to working with health issues, taking you beyond symptom elimination into growth, transformation, and radiant joy. You will discover: -- How and why mind-body health information was lost from the Western culture. -- The function and anatomy of your body energy systems. -- The key to activating the healing process in your life. -- How to recognize your own healing -- What can block healing and how to work with it. -- Everyday energy medicine that you can put into practice now. You will never see medicine or healing the same way again.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatpattipp, Bertha_, Ermina, HeidiDuPree, Jenn.S

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Enlightening and empowering information we should all be aware of and utilize. Modern medicine can help only so much, and so many medicines have terrible side effects. With this book you can take control of your own healing as you come to understand just how every part of you is connected and influenced. A perfect addition to anyone's library.

Free copy provided through Goodreads FirstReads in exchange for an honest unbiased review. Thank you for your generosity. ( )
  Jenn.S | Sep 25, 2013 |
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The Other Medicine That Really Works is the recipient of 7 national and international awards including: 2013 International Book Awards Winner in Health/Alternative Medicine, 2013 National Indie Excellence Awards Finalist in Body/Mind/Spirit, 2013 Living Now Book Awards for Better Living Winner of Silver Medal in Healing Arts, 2013 Global EBook Awards Winner of Gold Award in Spiritual/Metaphysical and Bronze Award in Health, 2013 USA Best Book Awards Finalist in Health/Alternative Medicine, and 2013 Florida Authors and Publisher Awards Winner of Silver Medal in Health.Western Medicine may save your life, but to heal your life you need Energy Medicine. Although we have twice the life expectancy of our ancestors, the quality of our lives is increasingly diminished by chronic physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health issues due to a pervasive lack of knowledge of their core causes and treatment. Weaving together mind-body health information with scientific studies and true-life stories of healing, The Other Medicine...That Really Works restores the knowledge that is your birthright. This comprehensive guide to a healing way of life will help you learn the key to working with health issues, taking you beyond symptom elimination into growth, transformation, and radiant joy. You will discover: -- How and why mind-body health information was lost from the Western culture. -- The function and anatomy of your body energy systems. -- The key to activating the healing process in your life. -- How to recognize your own healing -- What can block healing and how to work with it. -- Everyday energy medicine that you can put into practice now. You will never see medicine or healing the same way again.

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