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Tekijä: Jan Springer

Sarjat: The Outlaw Lovers (5)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
922,026,030 (3.5)-
Fugitive female... Renegade Resistance leader Reena "Red" Wilde is in for the fight of her life when she experiences an erotic attraction to the two most dangerous men she's ever met. Black ops assassin... Months ago, Will "Blade" Smith spent one sizzling evening in the arms of a red-haired seductress. Now she's his next assignment. One look into her gorgeous eyes and he's wrestling his heated cravings all over again. Bounty Hunter... When Cade Outlaw nabs his bounty, sexy-as-sin Reena Wilde, his profession dictates she's hands-off. But he can't ignore the magnetic sparks between them...or that she is the biggest temptation of his life. Resistance is futile... After Reena escapes Cade and Will and falls prey to a band of evil hunters, she's grateful her sexy hunks come to her rescue, and in return, saves their lives. Trapped in a solitary cabin during a wicked snowstorm, she can't resist her two well-hung studs, nor can she deny they've claimed her heart.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatbit-of-a-list-tiger, Jullievg, SweetLiar, booklovre6

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näyttää 2/2
Good story! Really glad I got it, it adds a lot to the series. I felt the ending was a little abrupt, I would have liked a little more info. And the thing at the end with her father was odd. Overall, the story was well done, and if you are a fan of the series, definitely worth the read. 4.5 stars. ( )
  booklovre6 | Mar 30, 2013 |
Good story! Really glad I got it, it adds a lot to the series. I felt the ending was a little abrupt, I would have liked a little more info. And the thing at the end with her father was odd. Overall, the story was well done, and if you are a fan of the series, definitely worth the read. 4.5 stars. ( )
  booklovre6 | Mar 30, 2013 |
näyttää 2/2
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Fugitive female... Renegade Resistance leader Reena "Red" Wilde is in for the fight of her life when she experiences an erotic attraction to the two most dangerous men she's ever met. Black ops assassin... Months ago, Will "Blade" Smith spent one sizzling evening in the arms of a red-haired seductress. Now she's his next assignment. One look into her gorgeous eyes and he's wrestling his heated cravings all over again. Bounty Hunter... When Cade Outlaw nabs his bounty, sexy-as-sin Reena Wilde, his profession dictates she's hands-off. But he can't ignore the magnetic sparks between them...or that she is the biggest temptation of his life. Resistance is futile... After Reena escapes Cade and Will and falls prey to a band of evil hunters, she's grateful her sexy hunks come to her rescue, and in return, saves their lives. Trapped in a solitary cabin during a wicked snowstorm, she can't resist her two well-hung studs, nor can she deny they've claimed her heart.

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