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Menneskets natur : kriminalroman (2013)

Tekijä: Jorgen Brekke

Sarjat: Odd Singsaker (3)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
444578,312 (3.54)2
"Police Inspector Odd Singsaker has been captured, imprisoned on an island off the Northern coast of Norway. He wakes to find himself holding a shotgun. Next to him is a corpse. But what events led him to this point? And how did he get here? A few weeks earlier, Felicia, his wife, disappeared. Though he didn't know it, she was trying to find her way back to Odd to reconcile, but then she vanished into a snowstorm. Possibly involved is a corrupt, coldblooded cop from Oslo, a devious college student who's stolen a great deal of cocaine from drug dealers, and a hit man hired by the drug dealers who have been robbed. All of these lives intersect with Odd's as he searches for Felicia. The Fifth Element is ultimately the story of what happened to Felicia Stone. Within that journey, brutal crimes are uncovered, tenacious love shines through, and chilling characters with nothing to lose will stop at nothing to get what they want. Jorgen Brekke once again delivers a chilling thriller that readers will tear through to unravel what happened-and why."--… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 2 mainintaa

näyttää 4/4
A good effort at weaving together a lot of separate crime plots. That's the best I can give it, it was fine! Just what I want from scandi crime. ( )
  Kiramke | Dec 18, 2023 |
Fantastic plotting! ( )
  SusanWallace | Jul 10, 2021 |
Jorge Brekke plays fast and loose with time in his narration of the latest (book three) of his Odd Singsaker series. In the present our detective is being questioned about his actions related to a recent crime. But, before we learn too much, the story moves to the past…or to the present, or back to the future—chapters labelled: two days before, two weeks after, early morning of the day it happened or a week before it happened…and so on—following several groups of people until all is revealed. I give the author points for creativity in his telling, and my criticisms of his story are not with his format or with his detective. Singsaker is an interesting character, a well-thought out detective; however, the criminal landscape of Norway is rendered as brutal and violent, and the book is very heavy in what one would call “torture porn”— much more than his previous two novels. I admit to skimming the last half of the book. It’s too bad really as the author is a good writer and, as mentioned earlier, quite creative (even his time-traveling narrative ia interesting) but I’m done with this series. ( )
  avaland | Nov 16, 2020 |
A compulsive read. In spite of the fact that Scandinavia in general and Trondheim in particular have no crime rates worthy of mention, their authors do a great job in convincing us that they are all killers. A great read that ties in these many strands of a crime. ( )
  annbury | Apr 19, 2017 |
näyttää 4/4
"THE FIFTH ELEMENT is a wonderful topsy-turvy carousel of a mystery that begins at the end, continues after the ending, and leaves anything approaching linear storytelling in shambles. It would be a hot mess in lesser hands, but author Jørgen Brekke has his hands steadily on the wheel at all times [...] You don’t need to have read or even know what has gone before in order to enjoy THE FIFTH ELEMENT, but you’ll want to read both WHERE MONSTERS DWELL and DREAMLESS once you do."
Forgoing the historical excursions that tangled the first two cases of Trondheim’s Inspector Odd Singsaker (Dreamless, 2015, etc.), Brekke mingles the immediate past, present, and future to produce an even more tangled, but deeply rewarding, tale.
[...] it’s Brekke’s prodigious powers of invention, his ability to keep coming up with unforgettable characters and indelible episodes, that lift this above his own earlier work and most of the heavy Nordic competition.
lisäsi geitebukkeskjegg | muokkaaKirkus Reivews (Dec 6, 2016)
Set in northern Norway around Trondheim, Brekke’s stellar third installment in his Odd Singsaker homicide detective series (after 2015’s Dreamless) is divided into four sections.
Terningkast 5
"Bunnsolid spenning fra Brekke. (...) Han stråler av sylskarp observasjonsevne og imponerende kreativitet. Brekkes evne til å beskrive menneskenes natur, fra endeløs smerte til jublende håp, er enda mer overbevisende i denne tredje boken. (...) Språket er nedtonet og mindre hesblesende nå. Dialogene er nærere. Dermed får overraskende metaforer og små diamanter av kreativ kuriosabruk glitre enda tydeligere. (...)"
"Ambisiøst og ujevnt fra Jørgen Brekke. (...) Denne gangen stokker han (...) om på nåtidsnivået i historien. Noen ganger gir det imponerende utslag. Andre ganger virker det mest forstyrrende. (...) Jørgen Brekke viser stadig sitt betydelige talent for sjangeren. Totalt sett er det likevel mitt inntrykk at han denne gangen har tatt munnen litt for full. (...)"

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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


"Police Inspector Odd Singsaker has been captured, imprisoned on an island off the Northern coast of Norway. He wakes to find himself holding a shotgun. Next to him is a corpse. But what events led him to this point? And how did he get here? A few weeks earlier, Felicia, his wife, disappeared. Though he didn't know it, she was trying to find her way back to Odd to reconcile, but then she vanished into a snowstorm. Possibly involved is a corrupt, coldblooded cop from Oslo, a devious college student who's stolen a great deal of cocaine from drug dealers, and a hit man hired by the drug dealers who have been robbed. All of these lives intersect with Odd's as he searches for Felicia. The Fifth Element is ultimately the story of what happened to Felicia Stone. Within that journey, brutal crimes are uncovered, tenacious love shines through, and chilling characters with nothing to lose will stop at nothing to get what they want. Jorgen Brekke once again delivers a chilling thriller that readers will tear through to unravel what happened-and why."--

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3 6
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