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All God's Children (Peacemakers)

Tekijä: Anna Schmidt

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764354,811 (4.08)18
Living in Munich with relatives, Beth Bridgewater, a German American, finds herself in a nightmare as World War II erupts in a war which she takes no side, for she is a Quaker pacifist. Just as she gains opportunity to escape Germany, Beth decides to stay.

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näyttää 4/4
I liked that the author let the romance between Beth and Josef develop through shared ideals and working together rather than having it be a "love at first sight" romance. I like the details of living in Germany in WWII times that the author wove into the book. ( )
  JenniferRobb | Jan 17, 2016 |
Although a story of this magnitude, of such horror is difficult to read, it is much easier than to live it! From the very first I had to admire Beth who left her home in Wisconsin to live with her Uncle and Aunt and cousin in Munich, Germany. Not at just any time, but during the time before and after America had declared war on Germany. As I learned more about her and the Quakers, to which she and her family belonged, I respected and valued her stand. Although I am not a Quaker the way they sat in quiet contemplation and prayer before big (or ideally, even small) decisions were made impacted my thoughts, and is something I would like to emulate.
The story is well written, and as hard as it was to wrap my mind around the things mentioned, I was compelled to read. It is not pretty, but a part of history that needs to be repeated again and again so that we do not become complacent. And I also wonder if this history is being repeated in some of the third world countries.

I found it of great interest that the day after I finished this novel, the extermination camp Sobibor, Poland was mentioned in two separate articles, one of which is in the Arizona Republic, which announced that Philip Bialowitz, who survived Sobibor, is going to schools to acquainted school children with what he endured.

I received this book free from Anna Schmidt and Barbour Publishing through Fred at The Bookclub Network in exchange for an honest review. A positive critique was not required. The opinions stated are my own. ( )
  mbarkman | Jan 11, 2014 |
ALL GOD'S CHILDREN by Anna Schmidt is an amazing Inspirational Historical Fiction/Romance set against the backdrop of World War II in Munich 1942-1943 to Poland 1943. Meet Beth Bridgewater, an German American, Josep Buch, a patriot German and medical student, Anja, Franz,(Beth's uncle), Ilse,(Beth's aunt), Liesl and the other cast of characters of "All God's Children".

What a memorable story one that not only will steal your heart but leave you breathless as well. As the Nazis enter World War II, things become more complicated. While, Beth and Josep are attracted to each, each has their own agenda. Josep's father is a high-ranking German official, but can he be trusted? Beth, is a Quaker pacifist and takes no side, but as the war erupts, will she be able to stay out of the trouble brewing?

Fast paced, with tragedy, suspicion, survival, courage, determination,triumph, tragedy and love. Some will risk everything for their Jewish neighbors including their lives.

A haunting, compelling story of unanswered fate, unresolved discoveries, and the horrors of war. Can you find light at the end of a tunnel filled with so much tragedy? To find out more about Josep and Beth and the other courageous, characters you MUST read, "All God's Children".

"All God's Children" is the first in "Peacemakers" trilogy, which will continue with "Simple Faith" and followed by "Safe Haven". While, we don't learn some of the characters' fate, I enjoyed this fictional, but educational story. A riveting tale of courage and love of mankind. When one chapter ends another is just beginning. I am looking forward to the rest of the story.....

Received for an honest review from the publisher.



REVIEWED BY: AprilR, courtesy of My Book Addiction and More ( )
  MyBookAddiction | Jan 10, 2014 |
Title: All God’s Children (The Peacemakers #1)
Author: Anna Schmidt
Pages: 314
Year: 2013
Publisher: Barbour Publishing
This is the first in a series dealing with a resistance movement during WWII in Germany called the White Rose. The other two books in the series are titled, Simple Faith, due to be released in the spring of 2014 and Safe Haven, which has no release date yet. This first novel is begins in the fall/winter of 1942.
Beth Bridgewater has been living in Munich, Germany for the last eight years, helping her anxiety-ridden frail aunt raise her 8-year-old daughter. Beth is an American citizen, but she is without her visa papers and therefore in constant danger of being arrested. Her uncle teaches at the nearby university. Beth, her aunt and uncle are Quakers and under suspicion by Germans loyal to Hitler due to their pacifist stance. Uncle Franz invites a former student, Josef Buch, a doctor, to live with them temporarily while he continues his studies. He is also a member of the German army, so Beth and her aunt are very uncomfortable having him in their home. Soon Beth and Franz begin to trust Josef. Beth seems to always impulsively befriend those in need without thinking of the repercussions to her and others.
Josef Buch admires Beth from afar and knows a relationship between them is not possible, but he can’t help his feelings for her. Does she feel the same? He knows his being a soldier makes her uncomfortable, but is gladdened when she shows some signs of trusting him. He is living with his former professor as he can’t live at home with his parents. His father is a high-ranking member of the Gestapo and Josef is at odds with how the Gestapo is running the country. Josef is to Germany, not necessarily Hitler and certainly opposes his racial extermination policies.
While there were tension-filled moments and the fear was almost palpable at times, I didn’t feel like Beth should have been experiencing these issues because she should have been sent home. Surely her uncle and aunt should have been thinking of the safety of their American niece since the war had started in 1939. Why was she still in Germany when the story starts in 1942? I didn’t like the aspect of Beth seeking the “Inner Light” before making some decisions. There is also the matter of having to take an issue to a clearance committee before making a decision or having a general consensus tell a person what to do in any given situation is central to Quaker thinking as portrayed in this story, but Beth encounters situations that require quick decisions and I did like that she made her decisions with her heart and didn’t stick to a strict legalistic religion. She did what she thought God would have her do, which I applaud; however, I still couldn’t really connect with this story or the characters.
My rating is 3 stars.
Note: I received a complimentary copy for an honest review of this book from www.bookfun.org. The opinions shared in this review are solely my responsibility. Other reviews can be read at http://seekingwithallyurheart.blogspot.com/ . Also follow me on Twitter @lcjohnson1988, FaceBook at https://www.facebook.com/lisa.johnson.75457 ( )
  lamb521 | Nov 10, 2013 |
näyttää 4/4
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Living in Munich with relatives, Beth Bridgewater, a German American, finds herself in a nightmare as World War II erupts in a war which she takes no side, for she is a Quaker pacifist. Just as she gains opportunity to escape Germany, Beth decides to stay.

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