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Tekijä: Madeline Sheehan

Sarjat: Undeniable (1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
3023587,950 (3.64)-
Warning: This is not a typical, sappy, love story. This is an all-consuming, soul-crushing, tear-your-heart-into-pieces story. It's intense, gritty and raw, dark and disturbing, and it doesn't happen overnight. This is an epic love story that knows no boundaries and has no time limits. It grows and develops--with hurt, sacrifice, and heartache--over the span of a lifetime. Eva Fox is the princess of the Silver Demons Motorcycle Club. Growing up with bikers in the club lifestyle is all that she knows. When she's a young girl, Eva meets the reason for her existence. Deuce West is the sexy, biker bad-ass of the Hell's Horsemen Motorcycle Club. Like Eva, he was born and raised in the club--but that's where the similarities end. Their first meeting is innocent, but as Eva matures into a woman, their chance reunions evolve into a fit of lust and love. Fate continues to bring them together time and time again, but their twisted journey is filled with pain, betrayal, and bloodshed that could tear them apart. Eva sees in Deuce what he cannot see in himself--a man worthy of love--and Eva spends her lifetime proving to him that her undeniable love is the one thing he can't live without. This is Eva and Deuce's story.… (lisätietoja)

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 35) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
If Eva hadn't been stupid for so long this would have been 5 stars. I loved the Frankie resolution. ( )
  DebJack | Jul 28, 2023 |
'I stared into his icy blue eyes, entranced by the safety and comfort blanketing me, warming me. I couldn't look away. I wanted to tuck this feeling in my back pocket, take it home with me, and keep it safe under my pillow to have when I needed it most.'


Eva Fox is the princess of the Silver Demons Motorcyle Club, which her father is the President of. She grows up in the lifestyle of the club, surrounded by bikers. When Eva was a young girl, she met Deuce West, Vice President of the Hell's Horsemen Motorcyle Club, and was smitten straight away. Deuce was also born and raised in the club lifestyle, but that's where the similarities end.

Their first meeting is innocent, but as Eva starts to develop into a young woman, their next few meetings are full of love and lust. Living separate lives, within different clubs, their chance encounters are few and far between, but fate brings them together again and again. Their journey together is twisted and full of pain, betrayal and bloodshed. Eva spends her life trying to prove to Deuce that she can see something within him that he can't; a man worthy of love. Her love is undeniable, and it's the one thing he can't live without.

My thoughts

I found this book quite difficult to rate, and it's probably more a 3.5 stars rather than 4 stars. I chose this book on Amazon because I enjoy stories with bikers, as I'm a big Sons of Anarchy fan. To start with, I made the mistake of reading this straight after another MC themed book, so parts of it were quite confusing to begin with as I tried to separate the two. I did enjoy this one more than the other one though, so that's a plus.

The main reason I struggled to rate this book was because of Eva's character and her willingness to be pushed around. It's funny really, because she's adamant that she doesn't want to become an Old Lady, as she grew up as the darling of the Silver Demon's bikers. I just found it strange that she was painted as a tough character who could stand up for herself, but when it came to Deuce, and her step-brother Frankie, she pretty much just rolled over and let them treat her like a piece of dirt.

I tried to understand her relationship with Frankie, but I just couldn't understand why she allowed him to treat her the way he did. It's clear that he's got problems, and I get that she cares about him and wants to help him, but I can't see how becoming his door-mat could possibly help the situation. And it appears that she's so desperate for attention from Deuce, that she doesn't care how many times he sleeps with somebody else, she'll still go straight back to him as if it never happened.

I did enjoy the storyline, it was full of tension, and it really was a rollercoaster ride. I just thought that both Frankie and Deuce were too much at times; they were overbearing rather than protective, and at times I just thought they were abusive. However, the story was exciting, and it did draw me in and have me coming back for more. So in a way, I had a bit of a love/hate thing going on with this story. It's definitely one to read for lovers of Biker Romance. ( )
  Rebecca_Ross | Nov 2, 2020 |
Now, after reading all of the other reviews I expected something quite different than it turned out to be. Perhaps it's just me then? Aside from a few parts it was a really sweet book... a lot happening all of the time, my kind of book! I didn't find it disturbing and f'd up like a lot of reviews so I'm thinking my brain isn't quite right considering I found it cute and sweet and funny... ahh well, was a great read anyway. ( )
  ashezbookz | Oct 20, 2020 |
I read this last night and it was an easy read but I don't think it'll be on a frequent rotation. I won't be removing it from my Kindle to make room but I predict it'll drop down the 'last read' list quite quickly as well.

I think the best way for me to sum up why I didn't enjoy this book as much as I was hoping to is that it was a 'slow cooker' type of read while I'm a 'pressure cooker' girl. Basically, I just felt that there was too much time covered, a quick event, then years / months pass, then the next installment. Most of the books I read on high rotation have a lot of things happening in a short space of time. This unfortunately didn't do that.

Truthfully, it may be more realistic that events take time to occur such as Frankie taking a year to locate Deuce and Eva but that's not why I read this kind of stuff. I can always read some faction if I was to see the gradual simmer of events leading to a conclusion which may or may not be apt.

I purchased the sequel as well so I'll read it sooner or later (dependant on mood)but I don't know if I'll proceed through the series thereafter. ( )
  Damiella | Aug 18, 2020 |
"Listened to audio narrated fabulously by Tatiana Sokolov. She brought all the characters to life in a way that I didn't want to stop listening.

First this story is not a nice romance. Take the warning on the jacket to heart. There is underage inappropriate kissing and touching, adultery, rape and more. This is not about do-gooder bikers, but bikers into, drugs, arms trafficking and violence. It is not a read for people sensitive to these issues. In saying that, there is something compelling about their story and makes you want to know their story.
This story starts out when Eva, a kindergartner, first meets Deuce while she's visiting her father in Riker's Family visiting room. She's adorable and sweet to Deuce's rough hard edges. She announces to Deuce and his father that she's going to grow up to be a big bad biker queen and marry the biggest, baddest biker dude and charms the pants off both of them. Deuce at 23 has had enough of his father's abuse after that Riker visit and orders a hit to take him out. The story continues with them meeting again when she was 12, which was innocent and then 16, which wasn't. When they meet again when she's 16, to his 34 ,at first it's innocent but when he's trying to leave it gets uncomfortable as he kisses her and when that kiss heats up he fondles her, making her come. He comes to his senses, and condemns himself for being turned on and touching a sixteen year old and to add icing to that cake, he's married! Eva's father shoots him twice for his trespass. He comes across her again in a nightclub when she was eighteen and they light on fire. While this is going on Eva has a 'adopted brother,' Frankie, who is crazy and can't sleep without her by his side and as he gets older demands that only he will touch her and that she is his.

Each time this couple meets, the heat and fire is scorching. But this story is brutal, the treatment of women in general is that they are all bitches to be used at the will of the men, however Eva's father's MC treats her like a princess and this causes problems when Eva is unwilling to treated badly. Even though Eva is treated like a princess, there's a huge disfunction with the way Eva takes care of Frankie to the point, that when Frankie rapes her, she blames herself.

I'm so conflicted about this story, it's ugly and dysfunctional but the emotions these two share and all the crap these two navigated to get together and Deuce still almost screws everything up, made this a couldn't put it down, non-stop read. The author weaves, cute, sweet, and funny with ugly and toxic.

More of my reviews can be found at https://wyldheartreads.wordpress.com/
( )
  wyldheartreads | Jun 20, 2019 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 35) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Warning: This is not a typical, sappy, love story. This is an all-consuming, soul-crushing, tear-your-heart-into-pieces story. It's intense, gritty and raw, dark and disturbing, and it doesn't happen overnight. This is an epic love story that knows no boundaries and has no time limits. It grows and develops--with hurt, sacrifice, and heartache--over the span of a lifetime. Eva Fox is the princess of the Silver Demons Motorcycle Club. Growing up with bikers in the club lifestyle is all that she knows. When she's a young girl, Eva meets the reason for her existence. Deuce West is the sexy, biker bad-ass of the Hell's Horsemen Motorcycle Club. Like Eva, he was born and raised in the club--but that's where the similarities end. Their first meeting is innocent, but as Eva matures into a woman, their chance reunions evolve into a fit of lust and love. Fate continues to bring them together time and time again, but their twisted journey is filled with pain, betrayal, and bloodshed that could tear them apart. Eva sees in Deuce what he cannot see in himself--a man worthy of love--and Eva spends her lifetime proving to him that her undeniable love is the one thing he can't live without. This is Eva and Deuce's story.

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