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Flight of the Godkin Griffin

Tekijä: M. C. A. Hogarth

Sarjat: The Godkindred Saga (book 1)

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1211,628,920 (4)2
On the eve of her retirement from the army, Mistress Commander Angharad Godkin finds herself re-activated and directed to replace the governor of the newly conquered territory of Shraeven. With its multitude of diverse societies and religions, the province will not be easy to tame; but Angharad has thirty-four years of experience and is determined to succeed--even with the additional challenge of an ex-lover as her second-in-command. However, what starts out as a seemingly predictable military challenge takes multiple unexpected turns at the hands of Shraeven's rebellious people, their unorthodox beliefs, and their capricious, demanding, and very tangible gods. Angharad quickly finds herself the central piece in a game being fought on too many levels, all of them very foreign to her nature and background. But if she's being forced to play, she's going to play to win; and Shraeven may come to regret having gotten her into the game.… (lisätietoja)

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Fascinating. It's a Hogarth, so of course there's complex, rich characters, major culture clashes (even more than usual - both "sides" are composed of multiple cultures...), some weird and interesting philosophical questions that have serious and immediate implications for the people asking them (and everyone else, too). Really strange people - they don't even make as much sense as the Pelted. Every species can cross-breed with every other, and in the POV character's culture, they're more or less required to...so she's part crane, part cougar, part...lots of other things. This book does stop abruptly, at...not a cliffhanger, but a crisis point. They must deal with a large army - they scout it, then the book ends. Fortunately I had the next one in hand. ( )
  jjmcgaffey | Oct 21, 2020 |
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On the eve of her retirement from the army, Mistress Commander Angharad Godkin finds herself re-activated and directed to replace the governor of the newly conquered territory of Shraeven. With its multitude of diverse societies and religions, the province will not be easy to tame; but Angharad has thirty-four years of experience and is determined to succeed--even with the additional challenge of an ex-lover as her second-in-command. However, what starts out as a seemingly predictable military challenge takes multiple unexpected turns at the hands of Shraeven's rebellious people, their unorthodox beliefs, and their capricious, demanding, and very tangible gods. Angharad quickly finds herself the central piece in a game being fought on too many levels, all of them very foreign to her nature and background. But if she's being forced to play, she's going to play to win; and Shraeven may come to regret having gotten her into the game.

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