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The Cold Pools

Tekijä: Chris Ward

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2011,105,269 (4.17)-
Meet me at the end of the world ... As civilization comes to an end, Lewis and Karen take their last vacation to the only cold place left on Earth, the remote resort town of Cold Pools. There, they will say goodbye ... The Col Pools is a short story from Chris Ward an acclaimed science fiction writer from the United Kingdom. His other works include the Tube Riders series, the Tales of Crow series, and the Endinfinium series, as well as the Slim Hardy Mystery series, under the pen name of Jack Benton.… (lisätietoja)

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A Delightful Short Story

The world is coming to an end and the only naturally cool place remaining is the cold pools.
Lewis and Karen spend all they have to go there for their last, their very last holiday together. Karen is suffering from skin cancer and has very little time left......
What a lot is packed into these 3,000 words! The Cold Pools is a horror story set in a dystopian future world where nothing is quite as it seems. But it is also a very poignant love story. Beautifully-written, Mr Ward manages to create an alternative world, believable characters and a thought-provoking plot with the apparent ease that marks a master of the short story form.
It is very refreshing to read a story that works as well as this one. ( )
  jennytwist | May 23, 2012 |
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Meet me at the end of the world ... As civilization comes to an end, Lewis and Karen take their last vacation to the only cold place left on Earth, the remote resort town of Cold Pools. There, they will say goodbye ... The Col Pools is a short story from Chris Ward an acclaimed science fiction writer from the United Kingdom. His other works include the Tube Riders series, the Tales of Crow series, and the Endinfinium series, as well as the Slim Hardy Mystery series, under the pen name of Jack Benton.

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