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Answering the call to heal the world

Tekijä: Patience A. Schenck

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
475545,877 (4.67)-
"There is a role for each of us to play in healing the wounds of the world and bringing into being the wholeness that is possible in God's creation. But where do we begin? This pamphlet invites us to explore our unique gifts and the hungers of our hearts, to discover our own calling in this sacred work."--Back cover.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 5/5
The author walks us through the life of a leading: hearing a call, testing our discernment, overcoming the obstacles to faithfulness, finding the support we need, and, finally, recognizing when our work is done.
  PendleHillLibrary | Apr 26, 2022 |
There is a role for each of us to play in healing the wounds of the world and bringing into being the wholeness that is possible in God’s creation. This pamphlet invites us to explore our unique gifts and the hungers of our hearts, to discover our calling in this sacred work. The author walks us through the life of a leading: hearing a call, testing our discernment, overcoming the obstacles to faithfulness, finding the support we need, and finally recognizing when our work is done.
  PAFM | Mar 19, 2020 |
In this very useful pamphlet, Schenk addresses what a leading or call to serve is, and lays out in detail a Quaker process for discernment of just what the leading is. She also discusses the barriers to faithfulness that we may experience, and the kinds of support we need. The meeting as our spiritual community has an important role in our discernment and support.
This is clear and helpful information, about a topic that will be important to most Friends sooner or later. We are each called to some ministry, and faithfulness to the call will lead us onward in our spiritual journey. ( )
  QuakerReviews | Mar 3, 2015 |
A thoughtful guide to the reasons for seeking one's ministry, and the practical steps involved in moving forward within the Light. ( )
  strawberrycreekmtg | Jan 13, 2013 |
PHP #383
  BirmFrdsMtg | Mar 14, 2017 |
näyttää 5/5
ei arvosteluja | lisää arvostelu

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"There is a role for each of us to play in healing the wounds of the world and bringing into being the wholeness that is possible in God's creation. But where do we begin? This pamphlet invites us to explore our unique gifts and the hungers of our hearts, to discover our own calling in this sacred work."--Back cover.

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