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Looking at the Overlooked: Four Essays on Still Life Painting (Reaktion Books - Essays in Art and Culture) (1990)

Tekijä: Norman Bryson

Muut tekijät: Katso muut tekijät -osio.

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991276,890 (5)1
In this, the only up-to-date critical work on still life painting in any language, Norman Bryson analyzes the origins, history and logic of still life, one of the most enduring forms of Western painting. The first essay is devoted to Roman wall-painting while in the second the author surveys a major segment in the history of still life, from seventeenth-century Spanish painting to Cubism. The third essay tackles the controversial field of seventeenth-century Dutch still life. Bryson concludes in the final essay that the persisting tendency to downgrade the genre of still life is profoundly rooted in the historical oppression of women. In Looking at the Overlooked, Norman Bryson is at his most brilliant. These superbly written essays will stimulate us to look at the entire tradition of still life with new and critical eyes.… (lisätietoja)

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A recent Vermeer show (well, three out of the scores of paintings on display were Vermeers) in Tokyo reminded me how little I know about painting, especially painting from before the twentieth century. I wished I had an educated, observant, and articulate friend to guide me through it. I wish, in fact, that I'd walked through it with Norman Bryson, whose Looking at the Overlooked: Four Essays on Still Life Painting is an absolutely essential guide to a genre that has been, as he notes, overlooked. All four of the essays are essential, and intelligently linked to each other, but the final essay, "Still Life and 'Feminine' Space," is brilliant in its consideration of just why still life painting has been marginalized (and yes, it's partly because the home, and particularly the kitchen, has been defined as a feminine domain, but that's not all there is to it). Looking at the Overlooked is Criticism at its finest.
  dcozy | Mar 10, 2012 |
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In this, the only up-to-date critical work on still life painting in any language, Norman Bryson analyzes the origins, history and logic of still life, one of the most enduring forms of Western painting. The first essay is devoted to Roman wall-painting while in the second the author surveys a major segment in the history of still life, from seventeenth-century Spanish painting to Cubism. The third essay tackles the controversial field of seventeenth-century Dutch still life. Bryson concludes in the final essay that the persisting tendency to downgrade the genre of still life is profoundly rooted in the historical oppression of women. In Looking at the Overlooked, Norman Bryson is at his most brilliant. These superbly written essays will stimulate us to look at the entire tradition of still life with new and critical eyes.

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