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It's a Dog's Life: How Man's Best Friend Sees, Hears, and Smells the World

Tekijä: Susan E. Goodman

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
7329368,026 (4.03)-
A whimsically illustrated guide to the inner life of dogs shares lighthearted insights into dog evolution and behavior while profiling common breeds and explaining what a dog experiences while looking at a sunset and smelling the ground.

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 29) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
This book is suitable for intermediate grades. This book, told from a dogs perspective, discusses the history of dogs and how they experience the world in comparison to humans. It is an educational, yet engaging book that teaches the readers all about dogs. I would use this book in my classroom as a way to teach my students about the world around them. Since majority of students will have personal experience with dogs, the lesson would be engaging and meaningful to them. ( )
  emilyfdubois | Mar 7, 2021 |
I liked this book for three reasons. First, I liked how the illustrations looked like they were drawn in colored pencils and took up most of the space on each page. Each drawing perfectly grasps what the author has written on each page. When explaining the difference between what a human sees compared to what a dog sees, the author includes "Okay. We don't have the greatest eyesight in the world' we're not the best at seeing details. But if there's even a hint of movement, we're on it! Sheepdogs pick up their shepherd's hand signals a half-mile away." The illustration above the authors words show a young boy looking at a rainbow. The sky is perfectly detailed showing that humans can see these things easily while the author is explaining that a dog cannot. Secondly, I enjoy how the author displayed the information in a fun way that any reader would enjoy. Each page has a fact about dogs as well as with a funny description or evidence to support the fact. For example, when the author was discussing the difference between human noses and dog noses, she made sure to explain a fact in a humorous way. "As far as noses are concerned, yours stink-compared to ours, that is. No wonder you're always looking for your sneakers instead of just smelling them under your bed. Or asking, "Have you seen my lunchbox?" Believe me, we know where that is!" Lastly, I enjoyed that the author had the book told by a dog’s point of view instead of a human. I find this book to be more enjoyable because of this and I know the reader would too. ( )
  SamanthaWitschey | Mar 26, 2018 |
It is a good informational book to read because it talks all about dogs.
The book illustrates the root, functions, genres, habits and questions of dog. It is a good guide book for know everything about dogs. For me, I love the book because I love dogs. I learn something I do not know before and the illustration is great and cute.
for all ages ( )
  Zhaoying | Feb 27, 2018 |
This is a very good example of an informational book because it introduces dogs' senses in a dog's tone. The book first introduces how dogs have evolved and become friends with the human, and later talks about how and why dogs see, smell and sniff. Teachers can use the book to introduce knowledge about dogs and arouse students' love and care to animals. It may be suitable for all level students. Even though it may have too many words for young children, teachers can read aloud to students. The media is pencil drawing. ( )
  lolatong | Feb 25, 2018 |
This book is about the secret life of dogs. The dog explains that they were the ones who ruled the earth but decided they'd be man's best friend because they got to bark and eat garbage. But, the role of the dogs changed and the humans began to match make the dogs in order for them to fulfill the purpose they need. He also explains the cool things about dogs like they can hear and smell better than humans and they don't see as many colors as humans.
  mckennalandry | Feb 5, 2018 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 29) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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A whimsically illustrated guide to the inner life of dogs shares lighthearted insights into dog evolution and behavior while profiling common breeds and explaining what a dog experiences while looking at a sunset and smelling the ground.

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5 6

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