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Tekijä: Steven Konkoly

Sarjat: Black Flagged (1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1903144,973 (3.59)-
Fiction. Suspense. Thriller. "A promising start to a complex, new Black Ops series," Kirkus ReviewsBlack Flagged: Book One in the Black Flagged seriesDaniel Petrovich, the most lethal operative created by the Department of Defense's Black Flag Program, protects a secret buried in the deepest vaults of the Pentagon.Blackmailed into executing one final mission, Daniel's carefully constructed "life" rapidly disintegrates into a relentless federal manhuntâ??and a "24-style" race against the clock to suppress the shocking truth about his past.To survive, he'll release the darkest side of his concealed identity. A dark side with few boundariesâ??and even fewer loyalties.Black Flagged lays the foundation for a gritty, high-octane series exploring the serpentine link between covert operations and government agency politics.Fans of Ludlum and Thor alike will revel in this new Black Ops s… (lisätietoja)

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This is the 1st in a series by an author who (writing from real-life experience) is a 1st-rate thriller writer. Who is good? Who is bad? The murderer(s) are bad (unless it’s for the good of the country?) but there’s at least one FBI agent who is despicable. A lot of ambiguity, a ton of action. A great read. Looking forward to seeing where the series goes. ( )
  KarenMonsen | Jan 6, 2020 |
I just consumed the first book of the Black Flagged series starring Daniel Petrovich. Trust me, it has all the of black-ops, espionage, thriller ingredients to satisfy your spy cravings.

Petrovich is one of the most lethal operatives put under unique circumstances that force him into an impossible dilemma. I can't wait to see what happens in the rest of the series.

If Brad Thor is the "Rolls Royce" of spy thrillers, then Steve Konkoly resembles a 2018 Lamborghini Huracan Performante, sporting a aspirated 5.2 L V-10 engine with 631 horsepower.

( )
  BenjaminThomas | Mar 16, 2018 |
truly while i did like the main character daniel, the book itself left me going "meh" more than anything. Konkoly made the FBI look like idiots, the CIA ass holes, and the military just a training ground for the crazy. there is no "techno" in this book at all that i can see. however i do give him serious points for the screen between jess and the FBI agent. ( )
  tabicham | Jul 22, 2017 |
It has been a while since I have read a good mystery / thriller, and I am glad I picked this one up. The author does a great job of getting you into the character's heads and what they are thinking, and the action is pretty much non-stop and believable from a layman's perspective. This was one of those thrillers I couldn't put down, and stayed up really late in an unsuccessful effort to finish it: that made the next day a little better as I was able to sit in the easy chair and finish. I'm looking forward to starting the next book in the series.

I originally picked this up during a free Kindle promotion and as I type this review I see the pricing is all of 99 cents which makes this an outstanding value. Jump on this one while you can at that price, as this is just as good - I think better - than most of the "name brand" thriller authors out there today.
The author is so talented. With that, I'm inviting you to join N0velStar's writing competition. This is open to all...either exclusive or non-exclusive novels.
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Fiction. Suspense. Thriller. "A promising start to a complex, new Black Ops series," Kirkus ReviewsBlack Flagged: Book One in the Black Flagged seriesDaniel Petrovich, the most lethal operative created by the Department of Defense's Black Flag Program, protects a secret buried in the deepest vaults of the Pentagon.Blackmailed into executing one final mission, Daniel's carefully constructed "life" rapidly disintegrates into a relentless federal manhuntâ??and a "24-style" race against the clock to suppress the shocking truth about his past.To survive, he'll release the darkest side of his concealed identity. A dark side with few boundariesâ??and even fewer loyalties.Black Flagged lays the foundation for a gritty, high-octane series exploring the serpentine link between covert operations and government agency politics.Fans of Ludlum and Thor alike will revel in this new Black Ops s

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