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One Perfect Night

Tekijä: Rachael Johns

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257926,592 (4)-
Peppa Grant's fellow employees may call their new CEO Mr. McSexy, but she's also heard that he's aloof and distant. Cameron McCormac certainly seems cold toward Christmas when she meets him at the company's annual party...but he's also the sexiest man Peppa has ever seen. And when he offers to forgive the damage she accidentally caused to his expensive car in exchange for accompanying him to his family's holiday get-together, she agrees. Cameron needs a date to the family party to get his matchmaking relatives off his back. Their chemistry is instant and undeniable, leading to an incredible one-night stand. But Peppa wants love and family, while Cameron's only interested in temporary pleasure. When their relationship takes an unexpectedly serious turn, will he run the other way--or will he give love a second chance? 58,000 words… (lisätietoja)

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 7) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Peppa works for Cameron as a voice talent. She reads audio books which I thought was an interesting choice. When she fills in as children's entertainment at the office party, Cameron notices her unaware that she works for him while Peppa thinks he knows who she is. As repayment for denting his Lamborghini he takes her to his family's holiday party while she is still in her elf costume. Cameron wants someone to go with him so he'll appear to be moving on from his wife's death and so his family will stop fussing with him over it. They end up in the sack but Cameron is not ready to move on and tries to stop seeing her once he figures out that she works for him.

Nice story about a widower learning to love again. The heroine is a bit ditsy which I like. Nicely written and the whole thing makes sense.

I received this free from NetGalley for review.
( )
  Luziadovalongo | Jul 14, 2022 |
BOB and I enjoyed ONE PERFECT NIGHT by Rachael Johns so much we read it twice.

I was thrilled to interview Rachael on the eve of the release of ONE PERFECT NIGHT. There was no doubt in my mind that it was going to be a winner. It has everything I love about a good book: sass, sizzle and chocolate mocktails. And of course, who wouldn't love a feisty fairy in red fishnet stockings?

Pop over and read the rest of the review at:
http://mission-romance.blogspot.com/2012/01/books-with-bob-one-perfect-night.htm... ( )
  juanita.kees | Feb 19, 2020 |
One Perfect Night by Rachel Johns is a delightfully romantic and sweetly sexy story. To read my review in its entirety, please visit http://www.bookreviewsandmorebykathy.com/2011/12/19/one-perfect-night/ ( )
  kbranfield | Feb 3, 2020 |
"4 out of 5 stars, this novel is thoughtful, sweet, spicy, and poignant!! I loved how the story was ..."

Read more of this review and TWO TEASERS here: http://frommetoyouvideophoto.blogspot.com/2011/12/feasted-on-one-perfect-night-b... ( )
  fromjesstoyou | Mar 21, 2016 |
This book from the beginning to the end is what I would say a true romance novel worth reading. The two main characters are both dealing with loss, pain and hurt, Cameron is dealing with the loss of his wife and is very scared to open up his heart again. Peppa has been dumped by her ex-fiancé who pretty much runs out and gets married to a co-worker instantly. If that wasn’t enough Peppa is also trying to deal with the loss of a baby finding out she may never be able to have children.

So first we meet Peppa, at her Christmas work party they find out the entertainment for the children has came down with food poisoning, so Pippa runs out and rents a fairy costume so they don’t have to cancel the children’s party. On her way back she swerves to miss a cat and ends up side swiping her new boss’s fancy car. This is where Cameron comes into the picture and while she fesses up to him about the accident he appears not too worried about this, with a sexy smile he offers her a deal; if she attends his family Christmas party that evening as his date he will call it even and she won’t have to pay for the damages. Peppa agrees.

I really enjoyed this book, it was funny, romantic and of course you fell in love with Peppa and only wanted the best for her. It is well written and the characters were great it kept me turning the pages to see what was going to happen next. If you love romance novels this is a book for you to read.
( )
  TanaT | Aug 7, 2013 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 7) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
"4 out of 5 stars, this novel is thoughtful, sweet, spicy, and poignant!! I loved how the story was ..."

Read more of this review and TWO TEASERS here: http://frommetoyouvideophoto.blogspot...
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Peppa Grant's fellow employees may call their new CEO Mr. McSexy, but she's also heard that he's aloof and distant. Cameron McCormac certainly seems cold toward Christmas when she meets him at the company's annual party...but he's also the sexiest man Peppa has ever seen. And when he offers to forgive the damage she accidentally caused to his expensive car in exchange for accompanying him to his family's holiday get-together, she agrees. Cameron needs a date to the family party to get his matchmaking relatives off his back. Their chemistry is instant and undeniable, leading to an incredible one-night stand. But Peppa wants love and family, while Cameron's only interested in temporary pleasure. When their relationship takes an unexpectedly serious turn, will he run the other way--or will he give love a second chance? 58,000 words

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