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The Sweetest Spell

Tekijä: Suzanne Selfors

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
18120152,092 (3.73)2
Fantasy. Young Adult Fiction. HTML:

Emmeline Thistle, a dirt-scratcher's daughter, has escaped death twice-first, on the night she was born, and second, on the day her entire village was swept away by flood. Left with nothing and no one, Emmeline discovers her rare and mysterious ability-she can churn milk into chocolate, a delicacy more precious than gold.

Suddenly, the most unwanted girl in Anglund finds herself desired by all. But Emmeline only wants one-Owen Oak, a dairyman's son, whose slow smiles and lingering glances once tempted her to believe she might someday be loved for herself. But others will stop at nothing to use her gift for their own gains-no matter what the cost to Emmeline.

Magic and romance entwine in this fantastical world where true love and chocolate conquer all.

… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 2 mainintaa

Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 20) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Argh! Great worldbuilding, interesting characters and then -- the main superpower that drives the plot? Is stupid. It bothered me the whole book. ( )
  jennybeast | Apr 14, 2022 |
A magical, romantic fantasy with chocolate! Loved every single part of it. ( )
  ElizaTilton | Nov 5, 2021 |
Emmeline Thistle was never supposed to live past a day old. Being born with a curled foot, the midwife decided it was best for all that she be taken in the woods and left there. Her mother is left unaware while her father has to comfort her knowing the truth.

But, as you know. This isn't how the story ends. Emmeline is visited by four cows who brave the cold to provide her warmth and protect her. Against the odds, Emmeline is greeted in the morning by the astonished milkman whose cows unexpected trailed off the day before. Thus begins Emmeline's incredible story of survival as the "unnatural" girl of Root.

Emmeline's disability makes others see her as wrong and unnatural. Her fellow villagers whisper about her and stir all kinds of drama. Emmeline knows that she is unwanted. She knows that she was unwanted from the day she was born but her mother always loved her. Two souls intertwined. She no longer has her mother but she has her father, who's eyes reveal shame whenever he looks at her. No matter, the husband market day is coming soon and she'll get to see all the girls bidding on their future husbands. A fate she knows she'll never have especially with Griffin Boar, who's the most handsome boy of them all. She just enjoys the spectacle of it all.

But, life doesn't always goes to plan when she finds her village gone in a second by a flood, her father taken from her, and a new life waiting for her. And something she could have never imagined stirring up inside her - magic and the hope for love.

Emmeline's humbleness, kindness, and fire made her endearing. I really liked that she represented a strong girl who happened to be disabled. She fought to live with every breath she had since the beginning. Her strange gift to have all cows everywhere want to be near her made her doubly lovable.

The story is sectioned by different people coming into the mix. There were two point of views with Emmeline being the most prominent. The story took you along through a journey of deception, betrayal, love, and acceptance. The legend behind Emmeline being able to make chocolate intertwined all the characters lives and the lives of the Kingdom.

Owen Oak is the second POV who comes in sometimes to give his take on Emmeline and what happens on his end of the story. Owen is considerably kind. He never treated Emmeline like less. I don't even think he ever called her a dirt-scratcher (a derogatory name for her people). He was simply a good guy.

The writing was phenomenal. I was captured by the very first sentence. That's another reason why I love Emmeline so much - her voice is so interesting as well as her origins. Selfors really knew how to keep me wondering about the fate of the characters so that I kept turning the pages. I had so much nervous energy to see how everything would play out.

My only grievance was that I wanted Owen (a bare fist fighter and dairyman's son) and Emmeline to get to know each other more before she was whisked away into the next act in the story. I wanted them to have more conversations and see that slow progression of caring for each other. It didn't feel like inst-love so you don't have to worry about that. But, for such a long book, I shouldn't want more.

The Sweetest Spell conjured up my interest with magic, love, and chocolate. It made me a fan of the main character who's acceptance of herself was the real journey. ( )
  AdrianaGarcia | Jul 10, 2018 |
I have to admit I picked this book up from the library because of its beautiful cover. But I did used the Goodreads scan and checked the ratings before I took it home. And I’m so glad I did because I love it. I just can’t put it down.

This book reminds me so much of the books I used to read when I was in grade school (which is actually a good thing). It also reminds me of the movie Princess Bride. It’s kind of Disney like but I don’t mind. I guess I find this refreshing because I had been reading a lot of dark paranormal books lately.

And I can’t just resists reading about chocolates. Hahahaha!

Emmeline Thistle is a daughter of a dirt scratcher, the lowest and poorest clan in their land. And even among her people she’s an outcast. She became widely popular and desired by all. When she found out that she have this rare and magical ability to churn cream into chocolate. And chocolate is very rare and a precious delicacy in their land. And of course she also met the love of her life Owen Oaks plus the cows always follows her around. It’s a lovely fairytale story mixed with magic and romance.

( )
  anacskie | Dec 22, 2017 |
I have to admit I picked this book up from the library because of its beautiful cover. But I did used the Goodreads scan and checked the ratings before I took it home. And I’m so glad I did because I love it. I just can’t put it down.

This book reminds me so much of the books I used to read when I was in grade school (which is actually a good thing). It also reminds me of the movie Princess Bride. It’s kind of Disney like but I don’t mind. I guess I find this refreshing because I had been reading a lot of dark paranormal books lately.

And I can’t just resists reading about chocolates. Hahahaha!

Emmeline Thistle is a daughter of a dirt scratcher, the lowest and poorest clan in their land. And even among her people she’s an outcast. She became widely popular and desired by all. When she found out that she have this rare and magical ability to churn cream into chocolate. And chocolate is very rare and a precious delicacy in their land. And of course she also met the love of her life Owen Oaks plus the cows always follows her around. It’s a lovely fairytale story mixed with magic and romance.

( )
  anacskie | Dec 22, 2017 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 20) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
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Fantasy. Young Adult Fiction. HTML:

Emmeline Thistle, a dirt-scratcher's daughter, has escaped death twice-first, on the night she was born, and second, on the day her entire village was swept away by flood. Left with nothing and no one, Emmeline discovers her rare and mysterious ability-she can churn milk into chocolate, a delicacy more precious than gold.

Suddenly, the most unwanted girl in Anglund finds herself desired by all. But Emmeline only wants one-Owen Oak, a dairyman's son, whose slow smiles and lingering glances once tempted her to believe she might someday be loved for herself. But others will stop at nothing to use her gift for their own gains-no matter what the cost to Emmeline.

Magic and romance entwine in this fantastical world where true love and chocolate conquer all.


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3 9
4 22
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5 4

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