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Behind Closed Doors

Tekijä: Sherri Hayes

Sarjat: Daniels Brothers (1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
4010641,451 (3.39)1
After the world Elizabeth Marshall knows falls apart, she moves to the small town of Springfield, Ohio to start over'leaving her past behind.Christopher Daniels enjoys the simplicity of his bachelor life. He has no desire to change that philosophy. When Elizabeth shows up he's determined to resist her charms. But when her past begins to threaten her new life, it forces him into the role of protector.… (lisätietoja)

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 10) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
This is the first book in the Daniels Brother’s series. There are 4 brothers, Paul, Chris, Trent and Gage. This book is about Chris’s story and the heroine is Elizabeth Marshall.

Elizabeth was in an abusive marriage that ended with her killing her husband in self defense. She has decided to leave Columbus, OH for a little town called Springfield to get away from the bad memories of her marriage and to where no one knew her or about her past. She finds a place with a widow named Jan that owns an historic old home that had been converted into 3 apartments one of which she lives in.

Chris Daniels is a little bitter after the way his marriage ended. He has sworn off women in the three years since his divorce. So he isn’t too happy when Elizabeth moves into the 2nd floor apartment to his 3rd floor at Jan’s since his libido has decided to come out of slumber at the site of Elizabeth. He notices right off the bat that Elizabeth seems skittish around him but refuses to care. And when he needs help desperately at work since his assistant just up and quit he lets Jan more or less shanghais him into hiring Elizabeth who wants a job.

These two dance around each other for quite a while, as both of their past issues keep getting in the way of either of them admitting they are attracted to each other. But after Elizabeth gets her first threat Chris’s protective instincts kick in and he wants nothing more than to keep her from harm. As there are a couple of people who would want to harm Elizabeth the mystery of who is doing some of the things keeps you guessing until the end.

The author did a great job of letting us as the reader watch both of them heal from their past pain. It was especially wonderful to see Elizabeth fight all the verbal abuse messages that constantly played in her head from her dead husband. It’s not an easy thing to get over years of verbal and physical abuse but with her own new found strength and Chris encouragement she manages to do it.

The secondary characters were also fun to meet. The author gave us a glimpse of the other three brothers which will have their own books.
( )
  CindySnS | Oct 26, 2016 |
4.5 Stars
My Review was published on Ruby's Books.

Behind Closed Doors is a great book and an amazing first book in a series. I think the first thing that drew my attention as I was reading the book was that the action wasn't rushed. I didn't at any moment felt like things were happening too fast or too slow or that they were forced. It felt sort of natural for things to happen at a precise moment and it was a really good thing.

I liked Elizabeth so much and my heart was breaking for her the entire time I was reading about her past. I liked the fact that in the end she finds closure and she gets to move on with her life with a man that really loved her. Elizabeth had that innocent air about her that I like a lot for some heroines. Not naive, but innocent, despite her past.

Chris was a very interesting hero. I liked the fact that he wasn't the type of guy who jumped to conclusions and the fact that he wanted to protect Elizabeth even before they got romantically involved. And I loved that he was always reassuring her, trying to make her feel wanted and precious without telling her that her insecurities were foolish. I also liked that he had sexy brothers *grins*

Behind Closed Doors has a lot of the themes I love, like mystery, romance, suspense and, my personal favorite, the story about second chances. It was a very sweet story and I am really curious about the other Daniels brothers. I really can't wait for their stories.

It was the first book by Sherri Hayes that I've read, but I know for sure I'll keep reading her books. ( )
  Rubys.books | Oct 15, 2016 |
What a great story . this is a great book about finding new love and learning to love again . it had pulled me in right from the start.

Elizabeth Marshall spent the last nine years doing all the things she was supposed to do. She went to a good college. Married a man with a promising future. Elizabeth even had a nice house in a respectable part of town. There was even the promise of 2.4 kids in her future. From the outside everything looked picture perfect.

One night, six months ago, the world she lived in came crashing down. Her husband dead and her friends gone, Elizabeth moves to the small town of Springfield to start a new life for herself where no one knows who she is or anything to do with her past.

Christopher Daniels enjoys the simplicity of his bachelor life. After his divorce three years ago, he swore off women. He has no desire to change that philosophy.

When Elizabeth Marshall moves into the apartment below him in the small Victorian house, she makes him begin to reconsider the motto he’s lived by for the last three years: women are trouble. She is everything is ex wife was not and it doesn’t help that she is his wet dream come to life.

He is determined to resist her charms, however when someone starts sending threatening messages to Elizabeth, he finds himself in the role of protector. Can he protect Elizabeth and still be able to resist the pull she has on his body and his heart

The main characters Elizabeth and Chris, they had both experienced pain in their past and had trust issues. There is some great chemistry between Elizabeth and Chris.

They were perfect for one another, needed one another and didn't even know it. They came together in a very slow and sweet way that was completely realistic.

( )
  Chris.BlogEmporium | May 6, 2014 |
What a great story . this is a great book about finding new love and learning to love again . it had pulled me in right from the start.

Elizabeth Marshall spent the last nine years doing all the things she was supposed to do. She went to a good college. Married a man with a promising future. Elizabeth even had a nice house in a respectable part of town. There was even the promise of 2.4 kids in her future. From the outside everything looked picture perfect.

One night, six months ago, the world she lived in came crashing down. Her husband dead and her friends gone, Elizabeth moves to the small town of Springfield to start a new life for herself where no one knows who she is or anything to do with her past.

Christopher Daniels enjoys the simplicity of his bachelor life. After his divorce three years ago, he swore off women. He has no desire to change that philosophy.

When Elizabeth Marshall moves into the apartment below him in the small Victorian house, she makes him begin to reconsider the motto he’s lived by for the last three years: women are trouble. She is everything is ex wife was not and it doesn’t help that she is his wet dream come to life.

He is determined to resist her charms, however when someone starts sending threatening messages to Elizabeth, he finds himself in the role of protector. Can he protect Elizabeth and still be able to resist the pull she has on his body and his heart

The main characters Elizabeth and Chris, they had both experienced pain in their past and had trust issues. There is some great chemistry between Elizabeth and Chris.

They were perfect for one another, needed one another and didn't even know it. They came together in a very slow and sweet way that was completely realistic.

( )
  Chris.BlogEmporium | May 6, 2014 |
What a great story . this is a great book about finding new love and learning to love again . it had pulled me in right from the start.

Elizabeth Marshall spent the last nine years doing all the things she was supposed to do. She went to a good college. Married a man with a promising future. Elizabeth even had a nice house in a respectable part of town. There was even the promise of 2.4 kids in her future. From the outside everything looked picture perfect.

One night, six months ago, the world she lived in came crashing down. Her husband dead and her friends gone, Elizabeth moves to the small town of Springfield to start a new life for herself where no one knows who she is or anything to do with her past.

Christopher Daniels enjoys the simplicity of his bachelor life. After his divorce three years ago, he swore off women. He has no desire to change that philosophy.

When Elizabeth Marshall moves into the apartment below him in the small Victorian house, she makes him begin to reconsider the motto he’s lived by for the last three years: women are trouble. She is everything is ex wife was not and it doesn’t help that she is his wet dream come to life.

He is determined to resist her charms, however when someone starts sending threatening messages to Elizabeth, he finds himself in the role of protector. Can he protect Elizabeth and still be able to resist the pull she has on his body and his heart

The main characters Elizabeth and Chris, they had both experienced pain in their past and had trust issues. There is some great chemistry between Elizabeth and Chris.

They were perfect for one another, needed one another and didn't even know it. They came together in a very slow and sweet way that was completely realistic.

( )
  Chris.BlogEmporium | May 6, 2014 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 10) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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After the world Elizabeth Marshall knows falls apart, she moves to the small town of Springfield, Ohio to start over'leaving her past behind.Christopher Daniels enjoys the simplicity of his bachelor life. He has no desire to change that philosophy. When Elizabeth shows up he's determined to resist her charms. But when her past begins to threaten her new life, it forces him into the role of protector.

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Sherri Hayes's book Behind Closed Doors was available from LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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