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Autumn Laing

Tekijä: Alex Miller

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996276,941 (3.84)12
Autumn Laing has long outlived the legendary circle of artists she cultivated in the 1930s. Now 'old and skeleton gaunt', she reflects on her tumultuous relationship with the abundantly talented Pat Donlon and the effect it had on her husband, on Pat's wife and the body of work which launched Pat's career. A brilliantly alive and insistently energetic story of love, loyalty and creativity.… (lisätietoja)
  1. 10
    Sokea surmaaja (tekijä: Margaret Atwood) (jll1976)
    jll1976: Similar themes and style. Also a 'death bed confessional'.

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näyttää 5/5
Alex Miller is one of my favourite authors, and I enjoyed this book. It's not as riveting as his previous books however. I didn't ever feel empathy for Autumn. If you like him, try Lovesong, Conditions of Faith, journey to the Stone Country or Landscape of Farewell. All brilliant! ( )
  anniww | Jan 8, 2024 |
Another book I'd had on my shelf for years, entranced every time I picked it up while dusting, by its cover.

An elderly Autumn tells the story of an affair that she had with a man in her and her husband’s group of friends. These things are always entered into so selfishly, with little regard to the consequences, both short and long-term. The fact that it would happen, though, was evident from nearly the beginning, but Autumn kept us waiting far too long and I expected something much more spectacular by the time she finally got the story out.

All in all, not really a very spectacular book. ( )
  ParadisePorch | Dec 21, 2020 |
Disappointing...I tried to enjoy this book but didn't succeed.
It annoys me that he chose a very well known true story about quite famous and well known people as a basis and then changed it so that he could say it was fiction. I therefore could not relate to the characters who became neither real nor imagined. ( )
  lesleynicol | Nov 2, 2012 |
I have read most of Miller's work and consider him one of our finest writers but found this one disappointing. I loved the character of Autumn and the first chapter was outstanding, but by the middle of the novel I decided it was tedious. The development of the modernist movement in Melbourne does not make for riveting reading! It needed more concision. ( )
2 ääni RobinDawson | Oct 16, 2012 |
This book is sublime!

http://wp.me/p20PAS-8L ( )
1 ääni jll1976 | Apr 21, 2012 |
näyttää 5/5
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Autumn Laing has long outlived the legendary circle of artists she cultivated in the 1930s. Now 'old and skeleton gaunt', she reflects on her tumultuous relationship with the abundantly talented Pat Donlon and the effect it had on her husband, on Pat's wife and the body of work which launched Pat's career. A brilliantly alive and insistently energetic story of love, loyalty and creativity.

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