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Arctic Lights Arctic Night

Tekijä: Debbie S. Miller

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
2364115,107 (4.28)-
Describes the unique light phenomena of the Alaskan Arctic and the way animals adapt to the temperature and daylight changes each month of the year.

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näyttää 4/4
In this informative picture book, Fairbanks author Debbie S. Miller describes local animals’ activities while also providing data about the hours of daylight, twilight, temperature changes and other local phenomena during each month of the year. Eagle River illustrator Jon Van Zyle’s brilliant acrylic illustrations depict Alaska’s beauty perfectly. ( )
  kat.lien | Jul 9, 2021 |
This book is wonderful. Each page represents a month, Jan 21, Feb. 21, etc. The hours of daylight/night are listed at the top. The illustrations are beautifully done. As you go through the book it describes in a story-like way how each animal reacts to the change of seasons. I would use this book as a read along, for an elementary school classroom. This book is informational, but would be fun and interesting for children to read.The use of the different pictures, and the bright colors keep the reader intrigued.
  spisco2 | Apr 15, 2019 |
The book uses direct voice while talking to his audience, so it makes the children feel as though the author is talking to them herself. The book includes a lot of vivid details that help the students visualize what the author is describing. The author overall concept describes the author's experience about living in a place where you experience both sides of the spectrum in the course of a year. "During my travels to schools across America, many children have asked me questions about the dynamics of light in Alaska and the Arctic. Is it dark in Alaska all the time? What are the northern lights, and who turns them on? How do you sleep in the summer if it’s always light?" ( )
  kwalke18 | Mar 24, 2016 |
very beautiful book, beautiful colors--beautiful concept goes from one summer solstice to the next--i spent what i consider an idyllic childhood in Anchorage, Alaska and this brings it back for me
http://talesofarampaginglibrarian.blogspot.com/2006/12/for-picture-books-that-re... ( )
  rampaginglibrarian | Oct 24, 2006 |
näyttää 4/4
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Describes the unique light phenomena of the Alaskan Arctic and the way animals adapt to the temperature and daylight changes each month of the year.

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4.5 1
5 3

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