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Tekijä: Kate Saunders

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884309,743 (4)1
Eleven-year-old Tom is shocked to learn that he is a demisprite, half fairy and half mortal, and that he, aided by three fairy godmothers, must save his father, who is hiding in the fairy Realm, while safeguarding his mortal mother.

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näyttää 4/4
A fantastical adventure. Exciting and full of fun surprises. I kept thinking I had it figured out but I was wrong. I do wish there had been a bit more falling action- I really wanted to knew what happened after they went home. It ended completely but there could definitely be more adventures. I hope there are if they are as original and creative as this one. ( )
  wrightja2000 | Sep 6, 2018 |
Tom always thought he was a nice, normal kid. Until the morning he wakes up to find both his parents missing and an elderly fairy rummaging around in the kitchen. Events move at a breathtaking pace as Tom discovers his father is a fairy and on the run, his mother has been hidden for safekeeping, and only his eccentric godmothers, a punk rocker (who also happens to be a fairy), and his cousin, the most inept fairy that ever lived, stand between his family and a lot of very powerful, very angry, very nasty fairies.

I've been booktalking this for a year without reading it (I know, I know, but I do it all the time. I don't always agree that booktalking something you've read is better. Sometimes it's harder to booktalk a book you know intimately, especially if it's something you really love. That's my feeling anyways) but when I finally got around to it, I really enjoyed it. The cover is misleading though - the dragon is a very minor character and only shows up at the end! It was a good cover choice though, since that's why most kids pick up this book.

This was a really refreshing book to read and very British. It seems like American children's literature, especially fantasy, gets more didactic all the time, even if the "lesson" is just How to Be a Good Friend. There's absolutely no lesson in this book. The elderly godmothers enchant children to steal for them, turn millionaires into slaves and cheerfully inform Tom that he's a second-class citizen because he's a demisprite. At the end, they just as cheerfully reform, admit humans do have some good points after all in passing, and everyone lives happily ever after. Tom and his friends incinerate fairy guards with their lightning guns without post-traumatic stress disorder and while his inept cousin does turn out to have some useful abilities, he doesn't magically gain...magical powers.

Verdict: In other words, this is a light, fun, action-packed read. Kids won't care about the holes in the plot when they're breathlessly waiting to find out if Tom disintegrates when he passes through the fairy realm barrier and anyone would forget that their mother was encased in a jar of sun-dried tomatoes when they're caught up in an exciting fairy court case. Magical and delightful, just the thing to add to your collection and balance all the drama-heavy fantasy series.

ISBN: 9780385740777; Published 2012 by Delacorte/Random House; Review copy provided by publisher; Purchased for the library
  JeanLittleLibrary | Feb 3, 2014 |
In the course of one morning, Tom finds out that his dad is a fairy who has gone into hiding after a murder accusation, his mortal mother is being hidden in a jar of sun-dried tomatoes, and he has three fairy godmothers that will be helping him clear his dad’s name in the Fairy Realm.

This was a fun, lighthearted read. I’ve seen other reviewers recommend it for fans of Harry Potter but Magicalamity seemed a bit more juvenile to me. It is very clean (nothing rude or offensive) and although murder is a main topic, everything is kept so light that none of it is scary. In fact, most of the time I had to wonder if Tom really was worried about restoring his family. Also, there wasn’t a whole lot of character development so I didn’t feel invested in the characters much. There were a lot of fun magical beings and spells, and even a couple twists to the story. Unfortunately, the story started to drag for me and I ended up skimming the last couple chapters. ( )
  ad_astra | May 6, 2013 |
A fantastical adventure. Exciting and full of fun surprises. I kept thinking I had it figured out but I was wrong. I do wish there had been a bit more falling action- I really wanted to knew what happened after they went home. It ended completely but there could definitely be more adventures. I hope there are if they are as original and creative as this one. ( )
  mamalaoshi | Apr 13, 2013 |
näyttää 4/4
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Eleven-year-old Tom is shocked to learn that he is a demisprite, half fairy and half mortal, and that he, aided by three fairy godmothers, must save his father, who is hiding in the fairy Realm, while safeguarding his mortal mother.

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