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Home Front (2012)

Tekijä: Kristin Hannah

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1,6668010,685 (4.07)29
Fiction. Literature. HTML:

"Home Front is Hannah's crowning achievement."â??The Huffington Post
In this powerhouse of a novel, Kristin Hannah explores the intimate landscape of a troubled marriage with this provocative and timely portrait of a husband and wife, in love and at war.

All marriages have a breaking point. All families have wounds. All wars have a cost. . . .
Like many couples, Michael and Jolene Zarkades have to face the pressures of everyday lifeâ??children, careers, bills, choresâ??even as their twelve-year marriage is falling apart. Then a deployment sends Jolene deep into harm's way and leaves defense attorney Michael at home, unaccustomed to being a single parent to their two girls. As a mother, it agonizes Jolene to leave her family, but as a solider, she has always understood the true meaning of duty. In her letters home, she paints a rose-colored version of her life on the front lines, shielding her family from the truth. But war will change Jolene in ways that none of them could have foreseen. When tragedy strikes, Michael must face his darkest fear and fight a battle of his ownâ??for everything that matters to his family.
At once a profoundly honest look at modern marriage and a dramatic exploration of the toll war takes on an ordinary American family, Home Front is a story of love, loss, heroism, honor, and ultimately, hope.
"Hannah has written a remarkable tale of duty, love, strength, and hope that is at times poignant and always thoroughly captivating and relevant." â??Library Journal (starr
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» Katso myös 29 mainintaa

Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 80) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
This book had me in tears several times and here we are in 2024 amid more wars in the world...particularly what's happening in Ukraine and in Gaza. Hannah writes in a way that is so descriptive and makes you able to picture exactly what is being portrayed with her words. How can anyone read this...yes, a novel....and not decide that wars should just never happen in this world....there MUST be a better way. Fight...with WORDS. Just an incredible book to read and I'm just so sorry that it still fits the times we live in. ( )
  nyiper | May 21, 2024 |
This book was great! I won it through the Goodreads pre-release program and received it in the mail just a few days prior to its release to the public. The story focuses on Jolene, her family and her friendship with Tami and her family. Jolene and Tami are helicopter pilots in the Guard, raising their families on the West Coast and neighbors. Jolene's husband is an attorney and they have two daughters. Jolene's husband does not approve of the war and thinks it's something that is happening "over there" and not something that affects us here in America. Until Jolene and Tami get deployed and he has to reconfigure his entire life to be a single parent while Jolene is gone. This is a wonderful story that is beautifully told and I highly recommend it. ( )
  Cathie_Dyer | Feb 29, 2024 |
Listened to this book on audio and read physical copy. Starting with the positive, the struggle with mental health coming home gave the reader some understanding the thoughts going through people with PTSD. The book did give me the tears, but to be honest, the MC did not endear herself to me. I read this book with my bookclub and so I really tried to like this book, but I probably would have DNF'd by the time I got about halfway through, instead I would put it down and only pick it up between other books. ( )
  midmomo | Feb 11, 2024 |
Yet another Kristin Hannah novel that absolutely rips my heart out and gets at the core of human emotions and conditions. I ugly cried. 5 stars ( )
  LadyLast | Feb 9, 2024 |
Woman army pilot comes back from Iraq to a failing marriage and PTSD ( )
  Rosemary1973 | Jan 31, 2024 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 80) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Fiction. Literature. HTML:

"Home Front is Hannah's crowning achievement."â??The Huffington Post
In this powerhouse of a novel, Kristin Hannah explores the intimate landscape of a troubled marriage with this provocative and timely portrait of a husband and wife, in love and at war.

All marriages have a breaking point. All families have wounds. All wars have a cost. . . .
Like many couples, Michael and Jolene Zarkades have to face the pressures of everyday lifeâ??children, careers, bills, choresâ??even as their twelve-year marriage is falling apart. Then a deployment sends Jolene deep into harm's way and leaves defense attorney Michael at home, unaccustomed to being a single parent to their two girls. As a mother, it agonizes Jolene to leave her family, but as a solider, she has always understood the true meaning of duty. In her letters home, she paints a rose-colored version of her life on the front lines, shielding her family from the truth. But war will change Jolene in ways that none of them could have foreseen. When tragedy strikes, Michael must face his darkest fear and fight a battle of his ownâ??for everything that matters to his family.
At once a profoundly honest look at modern marriage and a dramatic exploration of the toll war takes on an ordinary American family, Home Front is a story of love, loss, heroism, honor, and ultimately, hope.
"Hannah has written a remarkable tale of duty, love, strength, and hope that is at times poignant and always thoroughly captivating and relevant." â??Library Journal (starr

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Keskiarvo: (4.07)
0.5 1
1 6
2 5
2.5 5
3 54
3.5 19
4 124
4.5 18
5 119

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