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The Dead House (2001)

Tekijä: Linda Fairstein

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
8701425,003 (3.36)5
Assistant D.A. Alexandra Cooper is back -- in this page-turning New York Times bestseller from legendary Manhattan sex-crimes prosecutor Linda Fairstein. On Roosevelt Island, a strip of land in New York City's East River, stands an abandoned 19th century smallpox asylum, "The Deadhouse," where the afflicted were shipped off to die. It's a gruesome bit of history perhaps best forgotten. But for Alexandra Cooper, it may be the key to a shocking murder that cuts deeper than the arctic cold front gripping the city. A respected university professor is dead -- strangled and dumped in an elevator shaft. And while the school does damage control for anxious parents, Cooper and her close detective friend Mike Chapman scramble for answers, fueled by the most daunting discovery: a piece of paper, found on the lifeless body of Professor Lola Dakota, that reads The Deadhouse....… (lisätietoja)

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 14) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
I know I read this a couple years ago not sure exactly when but I did enjoy it. It's a good thriller but with a slow pace. ( )
  Enid007 | Apr 11, 2024 |
This is the fourth book in the series and like the third book, this was just ok. I still prefer the first two books. ( )
  payday1999 | Dec 8, 2020 |
And this is where I leave this character. This whole book made about zero sense, but seemed to just be there to push things to a head with Alex and Mike. They both suck in this one and Alex does a woe is me thing when she finally realizes that Mike is seeing someone and shockingly enough seems to be happy. It's also gross when Alex throws out that the woman that Mike is seeing is similar to her so that means he has feelings for her. Yeah I don't know I just rolled my eyes a million times while reading this. This series should just be called the Alexandra Cooper and Mike Chapman series at this point.

There is zero development of anyone in this series. We have Mercer still getting over being shot almost to death after the events in the last book. He is moving on with his life, but you barely see it being a blip on Alex's life. She gets mad at her boyfriend about something that really isn't her business and runs out into the night to make Mike do something about it. Bah.

Mercer seems to just be that magical negro that has barely anything to do in this series and he really deserves better.

I think I finally had enough when Alex gets judgmental about a potential rape victim (the young woman drank a lot and made out and had initial consensual contact with someone) and then we find out that she was lying. And the last book had another potential rape victim that lied too. Considering that I have read the stats about rapes and the small number of women and men who lie about being sexually assaulted I side-eyed the crap out of this whole book/series at this point. I will say that Fairstein at least acknowledges that most rapes are between two people who know each other.

The actual murder case makes zero sense that Alex is even involved. A woman whose husband tried to have her killed, who shows up murdered later was not raped. We hear that Alex is involved cause it was domestic, but that felt like a stretch.

Fairstein spends too much time on the history of every little thing and I didn't care.

Alex finds herself in danger a freaking gain and weeps because Mike must not be coming cause he's too busy with his new girlfriend. ( )
  ObsidianBlue | Jul 1, 2020 |
I definitely don’t like this main character and I’m already tired of her love life issues. I find her extremely self-centered but it seems be validated because all the supporting characters jump to every need. I would like to learn more about Alexandra’s family to include her dad and brothers.

Now onto the story, I really liked this story and the weaving of some New York history into the plot was fantastic. The suspect pool was huge and the author did a great job of intermingling some great subplots into the story. Another item I enjoyed was that the victim was not necessarily likeable but the author still had you caring about who murdered her.

As usual I really enjoy Mike and Mercer but the few interactions of all three were sorely missed in this book. This audiobook does have some of the worst transition music ever though. I know this is short but there really isn’t much else that stuck out to me in this story.
( )
  TVNerd95 | Jul 6, 2019 |
I'd definitely read another of her books. ( )
  JennysBookBag.com | Sep 28, 2016 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 14) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Who steals my purse steals trash,
But he that filches from me my good name . . .

-- Shakespeare
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with gratitude for the loving loan
of your good name
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Alexander Cooper
Karen Cooper
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It was hard not to smile as I watched Lola Dakota die.
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Assistant D.A. Alexandra Cooper is back -- in this page-turning New York Times bestseller from legendary Manhattan sex-crimes prosecutor Linda Fairstein. On Roosevelt Island, a strip of land in New York City's East River, stands an abandoned 19th century smallpox asylum, "The Deadhouse," where the afflicted were shipped off to die. It's a gruesome bit of history perhaps best forgotten. But for Alexandra Cooper, it may be the key to a shocking murder that cuts deeper than the arctic cold front gripping the city. A respected university professor is dead -- strangled and dumped in an elevator shaft. And while the school does damage control for anxious parents, Cooper and her close detective friend Mike Chapman scramble for answers, fueled by the most daunting discovery: a piece of paper, found on the lifeless body of Professor Lola Dakota, that reads The Deadhouse....

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Keskiarvo: (3.36)
1 8
1.5 1
2 11
2.5 4
3 45
3.5 11
4 44
4.5 2
5 14

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