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Living Promises

Tekijä: Amy Lane

Muut tekijät: Katso muut tekijät -osio.

Sarjat: Promises (3)

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889309,270 (4.07)1
Keeping Promise Rock: Book Three Six years ago, Jeff Beachum comforted a frightened teenager outside an HIV treatment clinic, and Collin Waters has remembered his kindness ever since. Now, after six years of crushing on the kind, brown-eyed sweetheart of his dreams, Collin is feeling adult and together enough to make his move. Too bad fate, which has never been kind to Jeff, has something else in mind. Jeff's life had fallen completely apart before that long-ago day, and it isn't much better now. Jeff has toughened up, become self-reliant, been the funny guy his friends turn to, the one who gives advice and comfort when needed. But every phantom from Jeff's past is about to come out to haunt him, and the family Jeff has staked his future on isn't in such great shape either. Collin is more than a starry-eyed kid, and it's a good thing, because Jeff's going to need all the help he can get. No one knows better than Jeff that life can be too short to turn your back on honest love, and that living happily is the best promise of all.… (lisätietoja)

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 9) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)

I might have used most of a box of Puffs while reading this one, and I might have laughed out loud many times, too. As a writer (not yet published) I am in awe of Lane's talent. As a reader, I am in love with all these characters! There is so much heart in each book. I see her research but it's not overt. Rather, she's blended it into the entangled affections, challenges and baggage and bedrock loyalty of the characters.

I can't recommend this series enough. I'm really glad I already own Promises #4! ( )
  terriaminute | Dec 4, 2022 |
I'm actually at a loss what to say about this book. It's hard to put into words what it makes me feel. I put off reading the second book and this one because Keeping Promise Rock nearly ripped me to pieces. Now I wonder why I waited so long.

This book is also filled with the whole spectrum of emotions. There's love, laughter, joy but also fear, tears, sorrow and pain. It's a beautiful balance of all these emotions that just draws us into the lives of these characters... all of them! It should be confusing with all that is going on with all the different people, but instead it is like a tapestry; where every person is a thread and they are all woven together to make a masterpiece.

Thank you Amy for another fantastic story about this self-made family! ( )
  ShazOV | Feb 10, 2021 |
Love will conquer all kind of a story. 4 stars Very heart warming. ( )
  Penny01 | Feb 1, 2014 |
You read romances, some light, some dark in tone, but not all of them touch your heart. Some are so poorly written that you just skim over the bad parts jut to get to the end. Some have so much sex, but no content that you actually start skimming over the sex scenes hoping for one moment the author will have thought of something honest and significant.

But this book has none of those things. This book is about life, and damn it, life is sometimes hard, painful, bloody, and precious. In all the things that make life difficult, this book also celebrates what makes life worth living: Hope of love.

We see characters in this book who are not perfect, who have illnesses that could kill them and yet every one of them are survivors. And in this quest to live they each find love.

I can not put in words yet the full impact of this book or this author on me. I still have to give it time to percolate. I feel a blog post in the near future.

But for anyone who wants to see what life must be who have has HIV and yet still has a full life, you must read this.

In fact, I would say any human should read this book to just understand that we are all people. We are all imperfect.

But we all deserve love and respect.

( )
  Bea_writer | Sep 21, 2013 |
Living Promises is the third installment in the Keeping Promise Rock series by Amy Lane. This novel has the same intensity and honesty of all her novels. Lane is not a pleasant afternoon curl-up read. She grabs her readers and never lets them go. Her writing is definitely in your face. Living Promises is painful and beautiful and so real.Living Promises is the story of two men with HIV: Jeffrey Beachum and Collin Waters. Jeff is a physician assistant and Collin owns a local auto repair shop. The first time they meet, both are dealing with the trauma of learning to live with HIV. The second time they meet its six years later and Collin has an agenda. His hero-worship for Jeff is now something else and he's determined to get his chance with Jeff.Characters from other stories in the Keeping Promise Rock series people Living Promises with ongoing stories of their own, but Jeff and Collin hold center stage. Collin wants a relationship with Jeff; unfortunately, he decides to make his move just when Jeff's nicely made life is coming apart around him. The way these two very strong men come to realize what they mean to each is a story worth reading. Some of the scenes, such as the one between Jeff and his father Archie at his mother's Alzheimer's care facility, are gut-wrenching and tragic. Other scenes are warm and touching, as when Collin's mother encourages him to pursue Jeff more forcefully.Lane is a greater writer; her novels, such as Talker and Locker Room are consistently high caliber. Lane knows what she's doing and Living Promises is a fine addition to the Keeping Promise Rock series.Reviewed by Creative Ink by Barb ManningReview originally appeared on BlackRaven's Reviews ( )
  barbmanning | Jun 9, 2012 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 9) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)

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Lane, Amyensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Graziani, EmanuelaKääntäjämuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Morey, PaulKertojamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu

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Keeping Promise Rock: Book Three Six years ago, Jeff Beachum comforted a frightened teenager outside an HIV treatment clinic, and Collin Waters has remembered his kindness ever since. Now, after six years of crushing on the kind, brown-eyed sweetheart of his dreams, Collin is feeling adult and together enough to make his move. Too bad fate, which has never been kind to Jeff, has something else in mind. Jeff's life had fallen completely apart before that long-ago day, and it isn't much better now. Jeff has toughened up, become self-reliant, been the funny guy his friends turn to, the one who gives advice and comfort when needed. But every phantom from Jeff's past is about to come out to haunt him, and the family Jeff has staked his future on isn't in such great shape either. Collin is more than a starry-eyed kid, and it's a good thing, because Jeff's going to need all the help he can get. No one knows better than Jeff that life can be too short to turn your back on honest love, and that living happily is the best promise of all.

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