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Rebuilding Your Broken World

Tekijä: Gordon MacDonald

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370269,948 (3.86)-
What happens when your ideals and desires, plans and strategies, all go awry? From what sources might one find the resolve to begin a rebuilding process? "The fact is," writes Gordon MacDonald in Rebuilding Your Broken World, "the God of the Bible is a God of the rebuilding process. And not enough broken people know that." No stranger himself to brokenness, Gordon MacDonald draws from personal experience and discusses the likely sources of pain, the humiliation, and the long- and short-range consequences of a broken personal world. And he offers encouraging answers to the questions everyone asks when their worlds fall apart: Is there a way back?… (lisätietoja)

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What happens when a respected Christian leader with a loving wife and family has an adulterous affair? A broken world. Gordon MacDonald brings us insight into the inner-workings of a broken world, how to repair it and how to arm oneself from future failings. He speaks of the need for repentance and the need for close mentors and friends to guide you and hold you accountable as you rebuild your world. Much useful advice. ( )
1 ääni seoulful | Jul 23, 2007 |
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  semoffat | Aug 7, 2021 |
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What happens when your ideals and desires, plans and strategies, all go awry? From what sources might one find the resolve to begin a rebuilding process? "The fact is," writes Gordon MacDonald in Rebuilding Your Broken World, "the God of the Bible is a God of the rebuilding process. And not enough broken people know that." No stranger himself to brokenness, Gordon MacDonald draws from personal experience and discusses the likely sources of pain, the humiliation, and the long- and short-range consequences of a broken personal world. And he offers encouraging answers to the questions everyone asks when their worlds fall apart: Is there a way back?

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