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For Cod and Country: Simple, Delicious, Sustainable Cooking

Tekijä: Barton Seaver

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
652409,104 (4)-
"Barton Seaver...became one of the most important voices in food today because of his take on seafood and sustainability. Combining freshness with tastes, textures, and flavors, Seaver has created an entirely new kind of fun, fabulous, and casual food featuring seafood that hasn't been overfished or caught in an environmentally destructive way...Is also an essential cook's guide, brimming with great advice on how to shop for affordable fish, wine pairings, basic cooking, and prep techniques plus spice mix recipes..."--Dust jacket flap.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
A beautiful, practical, and tasty cookbook for carnivores who want to explore healthier and ecofriendlier eating options. In a gigantic win-win for both man and fish, Chef Seaver masterfully navigates the flood of confusing and sometimes contradictory information concerning today's seafood options and provides modern-day cooks practical advice and delicious recipes that are better for the oceans, our tastebuds and our waistlines. Additionally, he thoroughly explains the different methods used to harvest various seafoods, addresses toxin and pollution concerns, and addresses which species are best suited to freezing, canning as well as answering common questions about farm-raised and wild caught aquacultures. He makes a very compelling and delicious case for bringing smaller species like herring, anchovies and mackerel back to our dining table and surrounding them with plenty of fresh, seasonal, vegetables. I am well-traveled who reads food-related literature every day and he still managed to introduce me to several fish varieties I have never heard of before. Whether you're looking to cut down on red meat consumption, are concerned about the health of our oceans, or just looking for new and novel entrees for your plate, this book is well worth purchasing. This cookbook is a culinary gem. (PS If you're wondering why I didn't give it a 5, it's simply because his recipes don't include nutritional/calorie information and I think many readers would be interested in having that information.) ( )
  dele2451 | Feb 29, 2012 |
I know, I know. I'm a vegetarian and probably not going to start cooking fish any time soon. But the man is so freaking charming.
  omnia_mutantur | Jun 22, 2011 |
näyttää 2/2
Although the recipes stand and fall on their own merit, the book contains one other truly valuable resource: a thoughtful guide to sustainable fish, from Arctic char to wahoo
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (1)

"Barton Seaver...became one of the most important voices in food today because of his take on seafood and sustainability. Combining freshness with tastes, textures, and flavors, Seaver has created an entirely new kind of fun, fabulous, and casual food featuring seafood that hasn't been overfished or caught in an environmentally destructive way...Is also an essential cook's guide, brimming with great advice on how to shop for affordable fish, wine pairings, basic cooking, and prep techniques plus spice mix recipes..."--Dust jacket flap.

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