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The People's Tycoon: Henry Ford and the American Century

Tekijä: Steven Watts

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1962139,804 (3.95)-
Henry Ford, a major architect of modern America, has lived on in the imagination of his fellow citizens as an enduring figure of fascination, an inimitable individual, a controversial personality, and a social visionary from the moment his Model T brought the automobile to the masses and triggered the consumer revolution. Ford first made the automobile affordable, but grew skeptical of consumerism's corrosive impact on moral values; insisted on a living wage for his workers but opposed unions, established the assembly line but worried about its effect on the work ethic; welcomed African Americans to his company but was a rabid anti-Semite. Watts shows us how a Michigan farm boy emerged as one of America's richest men and one of its first mass-culture celebrities, became a folk hero to millions of ordinary citizens and yet also excited the admiration of Lenin and Hitler.--From publisher description.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
I finished The People’s Tycoon: Henry Ford and the American Century by Steven Watts.

Henry Ford is a dichotomy of a man who brought forth a new American Industrial Revolution while at the same time embracing a more old fashioned outlook on life. A man who often showed disdain for “book learning “ while at the same time embracing the need for education. A man who created a new system of consumerism and made commonplace the idea that every family should and would have an automobile, he perfected the assembly line for the manufacture of his beloved Model T while at the same time being wedded to an America centered on the farm.

Filled with anachronisms he loved technology but embraced a more traditional America. A progressive who wanted to raise the standard of living of his employees so the could take part in the new wave of consumerism while fighting the acceptance of unionization. A pacifist who ultimately allowed his company to be part of the World War II war effort. A man who did all he could to educate African Americans and help them participate and share in the American dream but also virulently Anti-Semitic and early on somewhat sympathetic to the Nazi movement and Hitler’s Germany.

He put more faith in others than his own son Edsel Ford in the running of the Ford Motor Company and as he grew older grew more autocratic and surrounded by sycophantic yes men.

A great American and 20th century industrialist filled with a multitude of weaknesses. A more complicated yet simple man will be hard to find. A fascinating book on a fascinating man which I would encourage those interested in Henry Ford to read. ( )
  dsha67 | Jul 17, 2021 |
Biographies are my favorite and Steven Watt's bio on Henry Ford is one of my favorites. This book delves into not only what this man accomplished in his life but also the character that drove him. Watt does an excellent job of uncovering the his motivations, and contrasting strengths and weaknesses that made Ford one of the most notable figures of the early twentieth century.

Ford is portrayed as both genius of mechanics and marketing right along side his tendencies toward domineering and bigotry traits. Ford was as doer and early on saw his mission to develop a vehicle that would be affordable to the masses and also build an industry that would deliver well paying jobs that in turn would fuel demand for his car. Generally he had this right but this focused vision also led him astray as he refused to change with the times and demands of consumers.

A man of many contradictions he portrayed himself as a simple man of the people and behind the scenes took care in promoting this image in marketing his products. After achieving initial success in the manufacturing process, setting new standards of efficiency, he crossed over in an attempt at social engineering which he tried to shape to his standards. He would repeatedly resort to such tactics throughout his life and it would take its toll as his critics pointed out Ford's rigid views on how one should conduct their life. In his personal life Ford saw fit to conduct a secret life of infidelity and rode his son Edsel essentially to an early grave.

Watt delivers a complete picture of Henry Ford as every aspect of his life is shown for what was in his era, both good and bad. ( )
  knightlight777 | Aug 9, 2013 |
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (2)

Henry Ford, a major architect of modern America, has lived on in the imagination of his fellow citizens as an enduring figure of fascination, an inimitable individual, a controversial personality, and a social visionary from the moment his Model T brought the automobile to the masses and triggered the consumer revolution. Ford first made the automobile affordable, but grew skeptical of consumerism's corrosive impact on moral values; insisted on a living wage for his workers but opposed unions, established the assembly line but worried about its effect on the work ethic; welcomed African Americans to his company but was a rabid anti-Semite. Watts shows us how a Michigan farm boy emerged as one of America's richest men and one of its first mass-culture celebrities, became a folk hero to millions of ordinary citizens and yet also excited the admiration of Lenin and Hitler.--From publisher description.

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