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Me to We: Finding Meaning in a Material World

Tekijä: Craig Kielburger

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269499,839 (3.35)5
For everyone who has ever yearned for a better life and a better world, Craig and Marc Kielburger share a blueprint for personal and social change; with stories drawn from over a decade of their experience as international change-makers, the Kielburgers reveal that a more fulfilling path is ours for the taking when we find the courage to reach out. Me to We is an approach to life that leads us to recognize what is truly valuable, make new decisions about the way we want to live, and redefine the goals we set for ourselves and the legacy we want to leave. Above all, it creates new ways of measuring meaning, happiness, and success in our lives, and makes these elusive goals attainable at last. After you've absorbed the ideas presented in this book, your life may not end up as you had envisioned. You may not acquire a house on a beach in the Caymans, but you may find your toes grounded in the sand. You may not see an enormous change in your social life, but in your life you may very well see enormous social change. You may not find the person of your dreams, but you will help people young and old go beyond theirs. This book will open your eyes and change the way you look at life. Treat it as an invitation: an invitation to discover the power of the Me to We philosophy and to join the growing community of people around the world who are embracing this way of life.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 4/4
My oh my! This book is the definition of inspiration. You know how people say that they have read a book that is “life changing”?? Well… this one LITERALLY IS LIFE CHANGING :D

Me to We is a non-fiction book written by the Kielburger brothers. Craig and Marc Kielburger are the founders and heads of many charities, including Free the Children and Me to We.

Essentially this book talks about how you can change your attitude and actions from a “me” mentality – that is living your life for you and you alone – to a “we” mentality – becoming a global citizen whose life makes the world a better place. One of THE MOST inspiring books I’ve read. Have I said that already??????

Let’s go one more time. SO MUCH INSPIRATION.

Okay…. moving on……

I’m SO glad that I read Me to We when I did because I am currently a university student, and I’m standing at the precipice that is THE BEGINNING OF MY ADULT LIFE (I KNOW, THAT IS SOME SCARY STUFF). I feel that reading this book when I did has given me a HUGE advantage. Now, when I begin to make my mark on the world, I can make sure it is a good one. Now I can set the right goals and launch my life and career on the right note. Once I’m finished university I am hoping to become a high school teacher. I want to spend my summers volunteering and inspiring students to change the world and this is how I want to live Me to We! I will DEFINITELY attempt to live Me to We for MY ENTIRE LIFE :D :D

One of the truly great, and probably most inspiring things about this book is Craig and Marc’s assurance that you don’t need to start with a grandiose, superhuman gesture, like traveling all over the world or donating millions of dollars to charity. You can start small with any simple act of kindness and the book includes plenty of excellent tips on how to live Me to We in our daily lives.

After reading Me to We it is impossible not to feel inspired to change the world and make everyone who comes into contact you be happy that they did! I recommend this to everyone and it most definitely belongs on EVERYONE’S Book Bucket List.

Remember! Be kind to everyone you meet and be the change! :D ( )
  ceecee83 | Feb 28, 2015 |
Great book - by two young men who went out and did something about the injustices they observed in the world, comes a frank and clear explanation of why we need to take the focus off of "Me" and put it onto "We" if we want to live meaningful and fulfilling lives. Filled with interesting anecdotes of the personal experiences of the Keilburger boys and specific, do-able activities that kids or anyone can do on their own or as part of community groups, Me to We puts in our hands an action plan to make a difference in our world and our lives. ( )
  puckrobin | Jan 7, 2011 |
I picked up this book because I often find myself questioning the purpose of this overly materialistic, extreme abundance society we live in. The sub-title of this book is, "Finding meaning in a material world. I took it home, and was inspired by the stories and made me realize that, even though most people are consumed with "I/me"(including myself), they're are opportunities for us in the oddest places to put forth energy in other people or organizations outside of the realm of ourselves. A very easy, yet very uplifting, quick read. ( )
  ecantulv | Jul 20, 2009 |
A good read but geared towards a younger audience than myself ( )
1 ääni janeycanuck | Nov 29, 2008 |
näyttää 4/4
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For everyone who has ever yearned for a better life and a better world, Craig and Marc Kielburger share a blueprint for personal and social change; with stories drawn from over a decade of their experience as international change-makers, the Kielburgers reveal that a more fulfilling path is ours for the taking when we find the courage to reach out. Me to We is an approach to life that leads us to recognize what is truly valuable, make new decisions about the way we want to live, and redefine the goals we set for ourselves and the legacy we want to leave. Above all, it creates new ways of measuring meaning, happiness, and success in our lives, and makes these elusive goals attainable at last. After you've absorbed the ideas presented in this book, your life may not end up as you had envisioned. You may not acquire a house on a beach in the Caymans, but you may find your toes grounded in the sand. You may not see an enormous change in your social life, but in your life you may very well see enormous social change. You may not find the person of your dreams, but you will help people young and old go beyond theirs. This book will open your eyes and change the way you look at life. Treat it as an invitation: an invitation to discover the power of the Me to We philosophy and to join the growing community of people around the world who are embracing this way of life.

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