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What Disturbs Our Blood: A Son's Quest to Redeem the Past

Tekijä: James Fitzgerald

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
2111,066,592 (3.17)-
A rich, unmined piece of Canadian history, an intense psychological drama, a mystery to be solved... and a hardwon escape from a family curse. Like his friends Banting and Best, Dr. John Fitzgerald was a Canadian hero. He founded Connaught Labs, saved untold lives with his vaccines and transformed the idea of public health in Canada and the world. What so darkened his reputation that his memory has been all but erased? A sensitive, withdrawn boy is born into the gothic house of his long dead grandfather, a brilliant yet tormented pathologist of Irish blood and epic accomplishment whose memory has been mysteriously erased from public consciousness. As the boy watches his own father - also an eminent doctor - plunge into a suicidal psychosis, he intuits, as the psychiatrists do not, some unspeakable secret buried like a tumour deep in the multi-generational layers of the family unconscious. Growing into manhood, he knows in his bones that he must stalk an ancient curse before it stalks him. To set himself free, he must break the silence and put words to the page. His future lies in the past.… (lisätietoja)

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I heard an excerpt on CBC radio and was intrigued. Certainly one of the best books I have read in 2011. James Fitzgerald delves back into the history of his father and grandfather who, despite their successful careers in medicine and affluent backgrounds, had their own demons to conquer. I learned a tremendous amount about the development of psychiatry, psychology, preventative medicine and Toronto itself in the early part of the last century. Highly recommended. ( )
  harrietgate | Nov 1, 2011 |
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


A rich, unmined piece of Canadian history, an intense psychological drama, a mystery to be solved... and a hardwon escape from a family curse. Like his friends Banting and Best, Dr. John Fitzgerald was a Canadian hero. He founded Connaught Labs, saved untold lives with his vaccines and transformed the idea of public health in Canada and the world. What so darkened his reputation that his memory has been all but erased? A sensitive, withdrawn boy is born into the gothic house of his long dead grandfather, a brilliant yet tormented pathologist of Irish blood and epic accomplishment whose memory has been mysteriously erased from public consciousness. As the boy watches his own father - also an eminent doctor - plunge into a suicidal psychosis, he intuits, as the psychiatrists do not, some unspeakable secret buried like a tumour deep in the multi-generational layers of the family unconscious. Growing into manhood, he knows in his bones that he must stalk an ancient curse before it stalks him. To set himself free, he must break the silence and put words to the page. His future lies in the past.

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