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Hamlet (No Fear Shakespeare Graphic Novels)

Tekijä: Sparks Notes, Neil Babra (Kuvittaja)

Muut tekijät: William Shakespeare (Original play)

Sarjat: No Fear Shakespeare Graphic Novels

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1774155,875 (3.63)-
Read HAMLET in graphic-novel form--with NO FEAR!  NOW IN COLOR!   Based on the No Fear Shakespeare translations, this dynamic graphic novel--now with color added--is impossible to put down. The illustrations are distinctively offbeat, slightly funky, and appealing to teens.   Includes: - An illustrated cast of characters - A helpful plot summary - Illustrations that show the reader exactly what's happening in each scene--making the plot and characters clear and easy to follow  … (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 4/4
Book Review
Book Title: Hamlet
Book Author: William Shakespeare
Adapter/Illustrator: Neil Babra

Introduction: I love Shakespeare, and Hamlet has always been my favourite of all of his plays and sonnets so when I saw this little manga on sale at a location book shop I had to pick it up and read it. I read it about 3 years ago, but I finally found it again on my bookshelf and decided to read it again and review it.


This adaption is truly an adaption - it's not identical to the original, but it's great for younger readers wanting to get into Shakespeare. The typical Shakespeare form is not used, but that makes it easier for read for those not fluent in his verses.

This task of adapting the famous Hamlet into a shorter, simpler work would have been hard but Neil Babra makes it look so easy. The story is shortened into a perfect, young reader-friendly adaption. The famous lines are still in there, but they are so much easier to understand and read. The book is not dumbed down by any means, so readers do not have to worry - this book is a timeless, incredible adaption that should definitely be introduced to young readers.

The artwork is fantastic and matches perfectly with the story. The wordplay that Shakespeare uses is often seen within the pages of this book in illustrated form, which can make any true Shakespeare fan get a true chuckle out of this work.

Overall, this book was fantastic. The facial expressions, the artwork, the rewording, and the narrative are all fantastic.

Five out of five stars. ( )
  Briars_Reviews | Aug 4, 2023 |
Review originally posted at Dangerously Cold Tea

There are probably few readers of this blog who are not at least halfway familiar with the story of Hamlet, but for those whose memory may be a bit murky, here's a recap: Hamlet's father, the king is dead. The king's ghost tells Hamlet that his killer is his brother, now the current king and new husband of Hamlet's mum. Hamlet vows to have his revenge, and goes freaking nuts in the process. Also, Ophelia, who is by far the craziest of them all (no one out-crazies Ophelia!).

So, how well did Neil Babra actually do? I mean, he did not have an easy task: to take a work of the Bard and turn it into a graphic novel that is both true to the original source and still entertain reluctant readers. (No Fear Shakespeare is a whole line of like-minded GNs created by Sparknotes, which is a company well acquainted with the minds of lazy and unwilling students.)

This GN version of Hamlet is startling close in spirit to the original play. Even as the language is simplified for a modern and young audience, a good deal of the most memorable lines are kept intact as they are timeless enough that anyone could understand them. It is not "dumbing down" in the least bit; all the humor and heartache from the original is still there in the dialogue and the story does not suffer at all from this treatment.

The art is deeply intertwined with the story, even more so that a typical graphic novel. As Shakespeare was fond of wordplay and vivid imagery in his writing, so the artist makes great strides to incorporate these things into each and every panel. When Hamlet is off and running on one of his famous soliloquies, you can clearly see in the scene what he is illustrating with his words. In a way, the dialogue becomes the background for many scenes.

And then there is Hamlet. Of all the cast, he is the best thing about this adaptation. His facial expressions show such emotion, whether he is deliriously happy or in another maniacal fit, that you cannot look away whenever he appears on page. From the way he is drawn to the pure power behind every movement and action, this is a most memorable Hamlet for the printed page.

For both reluctant readers and avid Shakespeare fans, I honestly believe that this one is a winner. I greatly enjoyed reading this book and would recommend it to anyone looking to dip into the world of the Bard but is intimidated by his legacy and his language. ( )
  sarahlh | Mar 6, 2021 |
This graphic novel can be used to help students understand the complex story of Hamlet. This will help students tackle the language of Shakespeare and the pictures are very modern. These "No Fear" book can help to differentiate the lessons. ( )
  Kreho | Nov 22, 2013 |
4P-Hamlet is a confused and deeply troubled teenager in this version, an interpretation which will make this version especially attractive to young adults. The illustrations are modern--they remind me of Daniel Clowes--and the adaptation is more than adequate.

NOTE: This is a "No Fear Shakespeare" graphic novel. I do not recommend the regular "No Fear" series which puts Shakespeare's language and modern language literally side by side. What incentive is there for the young reader to tackle Shakespeare's version? ( )
  mdyewhea | May 8, 2010 |
näyttää 4/4
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» Lisää muita tekijöitä

Tekijän nimiRooliTekijän tyyppiKoskeeko teosta?Tila
Sparks Notesensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Babra, NeilKuvittajapäätekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Shakespeare, WilliamOriginal playmuu tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu

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This is a graphic novel. Please do not combine it with Hamlet or with Hamlet (No Fear Shakespeare)
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Read HAMLET in graphic-novel form--with NO FEAR!  NOW IN COLOR!   Based on the No Fear Shakespeare translations, this dynamic graphic novel--now with color added--is impossible to put down. The illustrations are distinctively offbeat, slightly funky, and appealing to teens.   Includes: - An illustrated cast of characters - A helpful plot summary - Illustrations that show the reader exactly what's happening in each scene--making the plot and characters clear and easy to follow  

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Keskiarvo: (3.63)
1 1
3 8
4 7
4.5 1
5 3

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