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Lamparskis Whatever Became Of

Tekijä: Richard Lamparski

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652409,104 (4)-
Badpuppy Magazine Author of the eleven volume Whatever Became of...' series, interviews and stories with and about the great actors and actresses of yesteryear, Richard Lamparski reveals incredible, but true, heretofore untold stories of some of the stellar stars he has met, some of whom became good friends and others who did not. With other 40 illustrations and fascinating stories, Richard kicks some closet doors wide open, reveals the dirt on others, and praises some of the celebrities any gay person of worth will know about to some degree. If you want an intimate look deep inside Hollywood, told with great skill, humor and empathy, add this wonderful book to your "must-read" list. With chapter titles like "The Queen of Sex," "The Absolute Worst Story I know," "A Rainy Afternoon in Beverly Hills," and "Lassie's Master," how could you pass this one by? Hollywood Diary is definitely a keeper Movie Memories Yet another great read has come my way with the newly published Hollywood Diary, Twelve Untold Tales by Richard Lamparski (best known for his excellent series of books entitled Whatever Became of...'). Once I started this fascinating 175 page tome, I just couldn't put it down, with its untold tales of the likes of Patsy Kelly, Gary Cooper, Robert Taylor, Mae West, Rock Hudson, Zeppo Marx, Pola Negri, Martin Kosleck, Darla Hood (of Our Gang), Richard Cromwell and a most touching story of the casting of Ma Joad in The Grapes of Wrath - a choice between Jane Darwell and Beulah Bondi, two of Hollywood's best character actresses ever. There are several "eyebrow lifting" moments here and there, but overall it is always highly entertaining, and illustrated throughout. I highly recommend this book, and can't wait to read Mr. Lamparski's companion volume, entitled Manhattan Diary which promises to be another frank and explosive read.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatt29, Aresge, octavianflavius, cheshire11
PerintökirjastotRosa Parks
  1. 10
    Hollywood Babylon (tekijä: Kenneth Anger) (MiaCulpa)
    MiaCulpa: Both the Hollywood Babylon and "Whatever Became Of" series are fine examples of gossip and they often lead you to Wikipedia to discover what happened to the actors post-publication.

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näyttää 2/2
The start of a series of "Whatever Became Of...?"s, Lamparski basically created the "Where are they now" cottage industry much loved by editor and the public alike.

Lamparski gives us 100 apparently completely random famous people of yesteryear and what they were up to circa 1967. Many of the 100 I had never heard of (The Boswell Sisters, Phil Spitalny and Edith Hyde, to mention three at random) while others rang a bell in the deep recesses of my memory (Chester Conklin, Constance Talmudge and Martin Dies) and others appear incongruous amongst the minor celebrities of silent films (Alexander Kerensky, Helen Wills Moody and John T. Scopes). Each item shows photos from their time at the top and another showing their 1967 looks, and a brief bio. So, we get factoids like the only activity champion tennis player Helen Wills Moody is involved in is Republican politics, that Adolf Hitler was enamoured with Pola Negri, who took it in her stride, and Edith Hyde, the first Miss America back in 1919, became a successful clairvoyant.

"Whatever Became Of...?", along with it numerous sequels, are a treasure trove of such wonderfully obscure facts that you'll find yourself collecting all of them. ( )
  MiaCulpa | Sep 17, 2015 |
Excellent Condition. Signed by the Author, Richard Lamparski ( )
  leslie440 | Jan 1, 2012 |
näyttää 2/2
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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
This book of nostalgia is dedicated to the best remembered and most greatly missed lady in my life, my maternal grandmother: Ellen Downey, 1867-1945.
Ensimmäiset sanat
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
The word "celebrity" is far older than we are inclined to think it is.
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (4)

Badpuppy Magazine Author of the eleven volume Whatever Became of...' series, interviews and stories with and about the great actors and actresses of yesteryear, Richard Lamparski reveals incredible, but true, heretofore untold stories of some of the stellar stars he has met, some of whom became good friends and others who did not. With other 40 illustrations and fascinating stories, Richard kicks some closet doors wide open, reveals the dirt on others, and praises some of the celebrities any gay person of worth will know about to some degree. If you want an intimate look deep inside Hollywood, told with great skill, humor and empathy, add this wonderful book to your "must-read" list. With chapter titles like "The Queen of Sex," "The Absolute Worst Story I know," "A Rainy Afternoon in Beverly Hills," and "Lassie's Master," how could you pass this one by? Hollywood Diary is definitely a keeper Movie Memories Yet another great read has come my way with the newly published Hollywood Diary, Twelve Untold Tales by Richard Lamparski (best known for his excellent series of books entitled Whatever Became of...'). Once I started this fascinating 175 page tome, I just couldn't put it down, with its untold tales of the likes of Patsy Kelly, Gary Cooper, Robert Taylor, Mae West, Rock Hudson, Zeppo Marx, Pola Negri, Martin Kosleck, Darla Hood (of Our Gang), Richard Cromwell and a most touching story of the casting of Ma Joad in The Grapes of Wrath - a choice between Jane Darwell and Beulah Bondi, two of Hollywood's best character actresses ever. There are several "eyebrow lifting" moments here and there, but overall it is always highly entertaining, and illustrated throughout. I highly recommend this book, and can't wait to read Mr. Lamparski's companion volume, entitled Manhattan Diary which promises to be another frank and explosive read.

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