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Absolutely, Positively

Tekijä: Heather Webber

Muut tekijät: Katso muut tekijät -osio.

Sarjat: Lucy Valentine (3)

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22214123,278 (3.92)5
"Exposed" by a Boston Herald reporter, Lucy is suddendly the talk of the town. Long back-story short: Even though the rest of her Valentine ancestors were blessed by Cupid with psychic abilities, Lucy's only special power lies in her ability to find things. This skill has proven quite a blessing for those who come to her matchmaking agency in search of finding their long-lost loves. Now that Lucy's secret is out, she has more new clients than she knows what to do with. But soon a certain man of mystery steals Lucy's spotlight...… (lisätietoja)

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 14) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
These are fun to read. Heather Webber is very, very careful about her magical/paranormal references, and so they are a bit tepid. I guess she doesn't want to be controversial or have that overshadow the story, and they don't. Frankly, I'd like a little bit more, but that's okay. It's what she seems to do in all her semi-magical stories.

She's very good at fun plot twists, character development, and setting the scene, etc.

Cozy and fun, and just enough romance to keep it interesting but not over the top. (Although okay, okay, enough! We know he has hypnotic gray eyes!!!).

Looking forward to the next one, after a palate cleanse or two. ( )
  BethOwl | Jan 24, 2024 |
The Lucy Valentine series is as close to cozy mysteries as I get. Now, I have nothing against cozy mysteries; I think they are perfectly lovely, and I can see the appeal. However, I like my mysteries with a little more oomph to them. I thought that Lucy’s telepathy was that little extra which would allow me to enjoy this series. After all, I do love me some supernatural powers.

As with most stories within this genre, the story is cute and the heroine is even cuter. There are no surprises within the story. The identity of “The Lone Ranger” is obvious upon first mention. Similarly, Sean’s commitment to their current client is equally discernible. The thing with cozy mysteries are that no one is reading them for the shock value; so, in these instances, the predictability of Absolutely, Positively is perfectly acceptable and even welcome as it allows you to focus more on Lucy and her foibles, of which there are many.

Lucy spends much of the novel loving on her pets, which is as charming as it sounds, and trying to figure out the next steps of her relationship with Sean. Her constant waffling and worry about these next steps are where the story begins to falter, unfortunately. There are only so many pages that one should devote to such obsessive worrying, and Ms. Webber exceeds that limit. There does come a time when you will want to yell to Lucy to get on with it already and just enjoy what she has. This then leads you down a path where you wonder exactly what Sean sees in such a neurotic, commitment-phobic mess. This is not exactly the vibe you want or expect in a romantic, comedic mystery.

I read the first few Lucy Valentine novels and found them sweet and quick. I have had Absolutely, Positively languishing on my electronic bookshelf for years, and I am glad that #ReadMyOwnDamnBooks pushed me to finally get to it. I was not necessarily disappointed with the faults I found so much as it confirmed that this is just not the genre for me. There is no danger, no excitement, and no real mystery. Not even Lucy’s powers could shake the “meh” feeling I had while reading. So, I will end my little flirtation with Lucy and remember it fondly as an enjoyable interlude that helped me focus my reading by an inch or two.
  jmchshannon | Mar 29, 2016 |
The Good: I love Lucy. Her family is a riot and her relationship with Sean makes for compelling reading. More than that, I am really enjoying seeing Lucy come around on Preston and getting to see the reporter has more going on personality-wise than what has been aggressively on the surface. Lucy spends a lot of time doubting if she's doing the right thing with her case and her ability to find someone in this book and I felt that was wonderfully genuine. You get the feeling she cares about her clients much like readers care about her.

The Bad: The Lone Ranger mystery was fairly obvious. I figured it out way too early in the book and that kind of killed a lot of the intended suspense. While not the focus on these books, I would really like to see more actual matchmaking from the matchmaking business. ( )
  TequilaReader | Dec 21, 2015 |
This book, and this series for that matter, are exactly what they seem. Short and sweet mystery novels. I adore these books, they have just the right balance of mystery, romance, and whimsy. I do believe this book delves a bit deeper into the main characters Lucy and Sean, both into them apart and as a couple.

I think the plot in this book was expertly weaved, even if I predicted the ending in the opening scene, it was still an excellent journey to take. I think that Ms. Webber should continue writing these books, I will continue to read and adore them.

Sorry this review isn't longer, like the book wanted to keep it short and sweet. ( )
  rosetyper9 | Nov 12, 2015 |
Love love love this series! And this book was an excellent addition. I really appreciate how the author continues character development without it feeling like something 'thrown in' out of the blue. I really can't wait for the next one. ( )
  murderbydeath | Sep 20, 2014 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 14) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Tekijän nimiRooliTekijän tyyppiKoskeeko teosta?Tila
Heather Webberensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetlaskettu
Pearlman, DinaKertojamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu

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"Exposed" by a Boston Herald reporter, Lucy is suddendly the talk of the town. Long back-story short: Even though the rest of her Valentine ancestors were blessed by Cupid with psychic abilities, Lucy's only special power lies in her ability to find things. This skill has proven quite a blessing for those who come to her matchmaking agency in search of finding their long-lost loves. Now that Lucy's secret is out, she has more new clients than she knows what to do with. But soon a certain man of mystery steals Lucy's spotlight...

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Keskiarvo: (3.92)
1 1
2 1
2.5 1
3 13
3.5 6
4 43
4.5 5
5 13

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