Zweig: Amok & Other Stories

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Zweig: Amok & Other Stories

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helmikuu 17, 2010, 12:27 pm

I have read about half of Amok and was hard-pressed to put it down to come to work today! I am definitely including Zweig in my favorite author list!!

helmikuu 17, 2010, 1:38 pm

It's amazing isn't it? I love Zweig's ability to convey those emotions we're almost ashamed to admit to having. His use of confessional monologues as I call them to suck you in is also quite genious.

helmikuu 17, 2010, 4:10 pm

I agree with you both. Amok is a fantastic and unforgettable novella. Journey Into the Past and Chess Story were also exceptional, but I didn't like Wondrak and Other Stories nearly as much.

helmikuu 28, 2010, 2:36 pm

I just finished reading Amok and other stories - the one published by Pushkin Press (and what a pretty little book it is!). Amok is brilliant; I really like when Zweig's way of telling a story by having one character tell the story to another.

The other stories were fantastic, too, even though they are all about suicide. I think that 'The Star Above the Forest' is even better than Amok. So beautiful, and so sad.

Muokkaaja: helmikuu 28, 2010, 3:56 pm

Those both sound so good. I will have to try to get them in sometime this year.

I have chosen Zweig's "Journey into the Past" for my Annual Author Read for March. I am certainly looking forward to it as I am loving everything I am reading by Zweig.

dog-gone touchstones aren't working again!

maaliskuu 7, 2010, 7:54 am

I just finished Amok and loved it, the confessional tone swept me along in a rush just like I imagine the confession to have been given. I also have the Pushkin Press book, and I'm looking forward to reading at least one of the other stories after I get some coursework marking done.

maaliskuu 8, 2010, 1:44 pm

Finished 'The Star Above the Forest' and loved it far more than Amok, it was amazing! You should all go read this story :D

heinäkuu 18, 2010, 10:58 pm

I just finished Amok, I have the small, beautiful Pushkin Press edition as well. My favourite story was 'Leporella' with 'The Star Above the Forest' a close second. I could feel Crescenz's pain as she is finally rejected by the Baron. The stories made me think about love and its proximity to death. Thank you to everyone in this group for introducing me to Stefan Zweig, what an amazing writer.