
children's (2), fantasy (2), London (1), fairy tale (1), subways (1), wonderland (1), alice (1)
Avainsanapilvi, Tekijäpilvi, Avainsanapeili
Jun 5, 2007
About My Library
I like a little bit of everything, really. I tend to collect various illustrated editions of Alice in Wonderland. I like fantastical stories, and detective novels that involve monsters. But I also enjoy a nice classic from time to time, and my copy of The Hunchback of Notre Dame is well-worn.

Overall, I like well-told stories with believable characters. Luckily, those can be found in just about any genre!
About Me
I've been an avid lover of books for as long as I can remember. I was quite angry when I entered pre-school and found out that teaching me to read was not a part of their curriculum. So I taught myself (and annoyed my parents) by pointing to words and asking what they were, until I got the hang of things.

To this day, I can't sleep at night without reading at least a few pages first. I've told my parents that it's all their fault, for reading to me every night as a child. But I thank them at the same time.
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