
About My Library
These are books I have read, I have re-read, that I am in the process of reading and that I hope to read one day. I haven't added the books I have read and disliked because I wouldn't recommend them anyway so why waste space with them. I own some of these books, I've borrowed some of these books, and I've lent some of these books. I'll read any book whether it is mine, my friends, or the library's and I wholeheartedly believe in freely sharing literature.
About Me
I am addicted to the written word, and have been ever since I can remember. I am never without reading material and every single bag I buy is judged according to its ability to contain a book of average size (you never know when you are going to be stuck in an interminably long line for something or other). I am an English Major because I am hoping to find a job where I can (hopefully) be paid a good salary to do what I do everyday already. I LOVE any and ALL books, I love reading and if I was stuck on a deserted island I would read the refrigerator manual if there was nothing else, have I mentioned that I LOVE reading?