
medieval literature (100), literary criticism (91), philosophy (68), medieval history (57), reference (39), medieval (39), mysticism (38), poetry (36), love (31), novel (31), fiction (25), psychoanalysis (24), troubadours (21), cookbook (16), self (16), sex (15), pedagogy (12), mystical literature (11), 20th c. (11), theology (11), academia (11), linguistics (10), consciousness (10), medieval Iberia (9), rhetoric (9), body (7), psychology (7), medieval literary criticism (7), courtly love (7), history (7), literary theory (7), poetry criticism (7), courtly culture (6), french (6), 19th c. (6), spanish literature (5), catalan literature (5), music (5), medieval law (5), occitan poetry (5), renaissance (5), anthropology (5), neuroscience (5), French poetry (4), manuscripts (4), augustine (4), occitan (4), medieval philosophy (4), medieval poetry (4), emotions (3), orality (3), historiography (3), renaissance literature (3), mind body (3), phenomenology (3), aragon (3), grammar (3), latin literature (3), biography (3), medieval iberia (3), writing (3), 21st c. (3), memory (3), catalan (3), education (3), medieval french literature (3), mystery (3), Spanish literature (2), hermeneutics (2), Provence (2), yoga (2), Courtly love (2), jewish literature (2), golden age (2), occitan literature (2), love literature (2), french medieval literature (2), italian literature (2), medieval literary theory (2), france (2), spain (2), Music (2), medievalists (2), hebrew literature (2), love theory (2), medieval french (2), hebrew poetry (2), medieval psychology (2), dictionary (2), old french (2), medieval french romance (2), Golden Age (2), spanish (2), art (2), guidebook (2), medieval studies (2), French literature (2), France (2), religion (2), language (2), dante (2), hebrew language (1), judaica (1), 1127?-1196? Troubadours --France --Narbonne. Narbonne (France) --Kings and rulers --Biography. Narbonne (France) --History. (1), Love. Love --Religious aspects. Love in literature. (1), 13th cent. --Political and social views. Aristocracy (Social class) --France --History --To 1500. Literature and society --France --History --To 1500. Aristocracy (Social class) in literature. Romances --History and criticism. (1), 12th/13th cent. --Political and social views. Gerbert (1), Hannah. Bondwoman’s narrative. Women and literature --United States --History --19th century. African American women in literature (1), Romances Tales --France English literature --Translations from Old French. French literature --To 1500 --Translations into English (1), Family --History --To 1500 --Sources. medieval history (1), provencal (1), Stravinsky (1), Provençal language -- Syntax. Occitaans. Syntaxis (1), Reference (1), saber (1), Christianity (1), joglars (1), Judaism -- Customs and practices -- Early works to 1800. Judaism -- Liturgy -- Early works to 1800. Jewish law -- Early works to 1800 (1), 1100-1500 -- Texts. Civilization (1), faillite de la parole (1), postmodernism (1), theory (1), last sigh of troubadours (1), court (1), scholasticism (1), medieval linguistics (1), Hitchcock (1), women poets (1), pain (1), troubadour lyric (1), Medieval Iberia (1), Occitan history (1), baroque (1), epistolary (1), semiotics (1), sufism (1), medieval language theory (1), religious studies (1), mediterranean studies (1), french literature (1), 1370?-1451? English language -- Middle English (1), medieval french history (1), jongleur (1), medieval Church (1), Italian literature (1), 43 B.C.-17 or 18 A.D -- Criticism and interpretation. Jean (1), Arts (1), Aeneas (Legendary character) in literature (1), Signs and symbols (1), Flanders (1), 19th c. french (1), Songs (1), Pedagogy (1), Mary (1), Body (1), Fairy tales (1), San (1), Love poetry (1), medival literature (1), Ovid (1), love poetry (1), Troubadours (1), Siglo de Oro (1), French language (1), Cistercian (1), occitan history (1), Poetry (1), Lacan (1), provençal poetry --Translations into French. Troubadours (1), Psychophysiology. Psychoanalysis. Psychopathology. Body Image (1), 1542-1591; Poesía; Crítica e interpretación.; Poesía española; Siglo XVI (1), Middle Ages (1), Literatura española; Poesía; Siglo XVI.; Juan (1), History of doctrines -- Middle Ages (1), Love -- Religious aspects -- Christianity -- (1), medieval mystical literature (1), African American women --Fiction. Plantation owners’ spouses --Fiction. Racially mixed people --Fiction. Passing (Identity) --Fiction. Plantation life --Fiction. Runaway slaves --Fiction. Women slaves --Fiction. (1), d. 1305? -- Criticism and interpretation. Guillaume (1), Sex (1), Europe (1), le chapelain -- Criticism and interpretation (1), Marriage (1), Medieval (1), Rhetoric (1), Latin (1), french poetry (1), fl. 1230 -- Criticism and interpretation. André (1), Sacred space (1), 1882-1971 (1), iberia (1), catalunya (1), 18th c. (1), bibliophilia (1), punctuation (1), photography (1), cultural criticism (1), jewish studies (1), Augustine (1), subjectivity (1), Jacob (1), lyrics (1), aphorisms (1), poetics (1), comparative literature (1), Grimm (1), German Folklore (1), 1785-1863 (1), 1786-1859 (1), Translations into EnglishGrimm (1), Wilhelm (1), Igor (1), Crafts (1), arabic literature (1), bible studies (1), methodology (1), lyric (1), antiquity (1), 20th century poetry (1), torture (1), classics (1), war (1), ficiton (1), Philosophy (1), theatre (1), John (1), arabic (1), christianity (1), art history (1), culture (1), judaism (1), sexuality (1), Judaica (1), Civilization (1), gender (1), 18th century (1), nineteenth century (1), 19th c. fiction (1), materialism (1), capitalism (1), mind (1), Islam (1), autobiography (1), colombia (1), sense (1), prisons punishment penology (1), hispanics (1), Church buildings (1), bilingual literature (1), old french literature (1), Old French. Sacred songs (1), Trouvères (1), anthology (1), de Montreuil (1), Jean Renart (1), Medieval Rome in literature (1), Occitan poetry (1), Ancient Rhetoric (1), Virgil. (1), Latin -- History and criticism (1), vicomtesse de Narbonne (1), courtliness (1), vidas and razos (1), courtly literature (1), french romance (1), Saint -- Songs and music (1), Lydgate (1), de la Cruz (1), Love -- History (1), de Meun (1), galician portuguese (1), cantigas de amigo (1), General semanticsSemantics (1), Ermengarde (1), musicology (1), physics (1), epigrams (1), Francis Bacon (1), jobsearch (1), 600-1500 (1), trobairitz (1), Marot (1), Schoenberg (1), medieval music (1), heterology (1), Aphorisms and apothegms (1), de Lorris (1), paleography (1), Jean Luc Nancy (1), Arnold (1), MedievalEuropean Civilization (1), Aphorisms and apothegms. (1), provencal poetry (1), History --Philosophy (1), arthurian (1), Blessed Virgin (1), renaissance poetry (1), Philosophy and aesthetics (1), 1874-1951 (1), medieval literary history (1), early modern iberia (1)
Avainsanapilvi, Tekijäpilvi
Jul 7, 2006
About Me
A comparatist working mainly on medieval literature in the romance languages.
I love the novels we had to read in HS--Jane Austen, Thomas Hardy-- Shakespeare, poetry old and new, Hebrew, Paris, Psychoanalysis (though I've let it get rusty), beautiful things, delicious flavors, Occitan, linguistic theories old and new, Bernart de Ventadorn, El amor en los tiempos de colera, Les liasons dangereuses, Krafft-Ebing, Stendhal, Cioran.
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