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Avainsanapilvi, Tekijäpilvi, Avainsanapeili
Jun 2, 2020
Oikea nimi
Paul A. Levine Library
About My Library
Throughout his career, Paul A. Levine gathered a significant collection of books, a library holding well about 5.000 academic titles (according to Paul’s statement), mainly devoted to Jewish history, the Second World War and the Holocaust, as well as his own research materials. It is a unique collection; moving forward, our goal is to create a home for Levine’s books, continue his educational work in a new form, and maintain Levine’s project as a living tradition, passing on his knowledge to successive generations.
About Me
Professor Paul A. Levine, an eminent Historian, gifted Educator, Author of Raoul Wallenberg in Budapest: Myth, History and Holocaust and co-author of Tell ye Your Children, left behind his collection - a library, well over 5.000 !! academic titles (according to Paul's statement), (mainly devoted to Jewish history, 2WW and the Holocaust), as well as his lecture materials and other notes.
Germany, Berlin

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