
Nov 29, 2012
About Me
Meet the Author

Nolan was born in 1959 in a Harlem hospital and grew up on the then, safe streets of Astoria Queens. His family started spending numerous summers in a house bought by his Grandfather in 1965 in a suburban North Shore Fishing town on Long Island about an hour away. As the area grew increasingly dangerous his parents moved him and his siblings to that town in 1971. There he experienced what most children felt growing up on Long Island during the seventies, the smell of the newly cut lawns and bright morning sunshine were a few memories of many that stayed with him his entire life to present. There he developed a love for fishing and it was there, floating on the timeless sea that his mind wandered for hours thinking about his current life.
He always had a love for writing but it was always short simple writings and always noticed the reaction of recipients to the words he wrote. His favorite short dedications were the writings of special occasion cards given to loved ones. His wife was his biggest inspiration and the driving force behind his success in anything he did. Upon his wife’s request Nolan started to write and write he did.
The first subject that came to mind was his love for his childhood upbringing in that quaint little town of small population and how things have drastically changed. His book dwells into those items, mostly work ethic and values, which have molded him into the person that he is today. His love for his country and how things were is always at the forefront of his writings.

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